Zbigniew Brzezinski

Easton Press Zbigniew Brzezinski books

Out of Control - signed first edition - 1993
The Grand Chessboard - signed first edition - 1997


Zbigniew Brzezinski biography

Zbigniew Brzezinski, a renowned Polish-American diplomat, political scientist, and strategist, was born on March 28, 1928, in Warsaw, Poland. He played a pivotal role in shaping U.S. foreign policy during the latter half of the 20th century and was a key figure in international affairs. Brzezinski's early life was marked by the upheaval of World War II and the subsequent establishment of communist rule in Poland. His family fled to Canada, where he pursued his education at McGill University in Montreal, earning a bachelor's degree in 1949. He later obtained his master's and doctoral degrees in political science from Harvard University.

In the 1960s, Brzezinski emerged as a prominent intellectual and foreign policy expert. He served as a professor at Columbia University and wrote extensively on international relations. Brzezinski's academic achievements brought him to the attention of political leaders, and he became an advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson. However, it was during the administration of President Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) that Brzezinski reached the pinnacle of his political career. He served as the National Security Advisor, a position from which he exerted significant influence on U.S. foreign policy. Brzezinski played a key role in the normalization of relations between the United States and China, a historic event that had far-reaching consequences for global geopolitics. One of Brzezinski's most notable challenges during his tenure was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. He was a strong advocate for supporting Afghan resistance against the Soviet forces, and his strategic approach contributed to the eventual withdrawal of Soviet troops.

After leaving government service, Brzezinski continued to be an influential voice on international affairs. He wrote books, articles, and appeared as a commentator in various media outlets. His analyses often focused on the changing dynamics of global politics and the challenges facing the United States in the post-Cold War era. Zbigniew Brzezinski passed away on May 26, 2017, leaving behind a legacy as a statesman, scholar, and strategist. His contributions to U.S. foreign policy and his insights into the complex dynamics of international relations continue to be studied and debated. Brzezinski's impact on the diplomatic landscape and his efforts to navigate the complexities of the Cold War era have solidified his place in the annals of American history.


Out of Control - Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century

If America is to reassert its moral legitimacy, Brzezinski argues, it must address its basic dilemmas, including deepening poverty, inadequate health care and education, a greedy wealthy class opposed to progressive taxation, and the mass media's promotion of sex and violence. In the new world of rival global power clusters, Brzezinski urges a greater role for the United Nations and "redistribution of responsibilities" within the trilateral nexus of Europe, America and East Asia

The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives

As the twentieth century draws to a close, the United States has emerged as the world's only superpower: no other nation possesses comparable military and economic power or has interests that bestride the globe. Yet the critical question facing America remains unanswered: What should be the nation's global strategy for maintaining its exceptional position in the world? Zbigniew Brzezinski tackles this question head-on in this incisive and pathbreaking book.The Grand Chessboard presents Brzezinski's bold and provocative geostrategic vision for American preeminence in the twenty-first century. Central to his analysis is the exercise of power on the Eurasian landmass, which is home to the greatest part of the globe's population, natural resources, and economic activity. Stretching from Portugal to the Bering Strait, from Lapland to Malaysia, Eurasia is the ”grand chessboard” on which America's supremacy will be ratified and challenged in the years to come. The task facing the United States, he argues, is to manage the conflicts and relationships in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East so that no rival superpower arises to threaten our interests or our well-being.The heart of The Grand Chessboard is Brzezinski's analysis of the four critical regions of Eurasia and of the stakes for America in each arena Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and East Asia. The crucial fault lines may seem familiar, but the implosion of the Soviet Union has created new rivalries and new relationships, and Brzezinski maps out the strategic ramifications of the new geopolitical realities. He explains, for example: Why France and Germany will play pivotal geostrategic roles, whereas Britain and Japan will not. Why NATO expansion offers Russia the chance to undo the mistakes of the past, and why Russia cannot afford to toss this opportunity aside. Why the fate of Ukraine and Azerbaijan are so important to America. Why viewing China as a menace is likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Why America is not only the first truly global superpower but also the last and what the implications are for America's legacy. Brzezinski's surprising and original conclusions often turn conventional wisdom on its head as he lays the groundwork for a new and compelling vision of America's vital interests. Once, again, Zbigniew Brzezinski provides our nation with a philosophical and practical guide for maintaining and managing our hard-won global power.

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