Winston Churchill

Easton Press Winston Churchill books

The Second World War - 1989 - 6 volume set including titles:
Volume 1.The Gathering Storm
Volume 2.Their Finest Hour
Volume 3.The Grand Alliance
Volume 4.The Hinge of Fate
Volume 5.Closing the Ring
Volume 6.Triumph and Tragedy

The World Crisis : The First World War - 1991 - 6 volume set including titles:
Volume 1. 1911-1914
Volume 2. 1915
Volume 3. 1916-1918 part one
Volume 4. 1916-1918 part two
Volume 5. Eastern Front
Volume 6. Aftermath

A History of The English-Speaking People - 1992 - 4 volume set including titles:
Volume 1. The Birth of Britain
Volume 2. The New World
Volume 3. The Age Of Revolution
Volume 4. The Great Democracies

My African Journey  - 1992

Churchill and Roosevelt : The Complete Correspondence - 1995 - 3 volume set

The War Speeches of Winston S. Churchill - 2001 - 3 volume set

Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches - 2003

While England Slept - Books That Changed The World - 2005

The River War - Library of Military History - 2005

The Story of the Malakand Field Force - Library of Military History - 2006

The Boer War - Library of Military History - 2007

Memoirs of The Second World War - Library of Military History - 2008

Prime Minister Winston Churchill biography

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965) was a British Prime Minister and author who was born at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock Oxfordshire, England. Winston Churchill attended school at Harrow school and later the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He was born as the oldest of two boys of Randolf Henry Spencer Churchill and American Jennie Jerome. Winston Churchill served as a war correspondent with the Spanish army in Cuba during 1895, and later served in the British military in India (1896), Pakistan (1897), and Sudan (1898). In 1899 he served as a war correspondent for the London Morning Post in the Boer War, were he was captured and imprisoned by the Boers and later escaped.

Winston Churchill has often been referred to as an excellent orator despite his self described speech impediment, and is famous for his empowered speeches and speaking in Parliament. He was first elected to Parliament in 1900 as a conservative member for Oldham. His early career in Parliament is notable for his opposition to the tariff reform ideas of Joseph Chamberland, and his siding with the Liberals in the 1904 and 1905 sessions of Parliament. Subsequent to joining the Liberal Party in 1905 he served as the secretary of Parliament for the colonies for Prime Minister Henry Campbell-Bannerman, and was elected as a Liberal member of Parliament for Manchester shortly after. Winston Churchill went on to hold a number of key positions in the British Liberal Party including undersecretary of state to the colonies, President of the Trade Board (1908), Home Secretary (1910), and finally as First Lord of the Admiralty (1911).

In his roll as First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill was blamed for the Dardanelles disaster of World War One in 1915, and subsequently resigned the position under pressure. Following this period, Winston Churchill held numerous other British Liberal government and British military positions including chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Minister of Munitions (1917), secretary of state for war and air (1918), secretary of state for the colonies (1921). In 1924 he turned back to the Conservative Party in opposition of socialism, and served as chancellor of the exchequer. In this position Winston Churchill returned Britain to the gold standard in 1925. Following the formation of the Labour Party in 1929, he withdrew from politics and dedicated much of his time to writing his books. The books by Winston Churchill of this period include Marlborough: His Life and Times (1938), and A History of the English Speaking Peoples (published much later in 1958).

Leading up to World War Two Winston Churchill was against the appeasement of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Shortly after the beginning of World War Two he again became First Lord of the Admiralty, and following the British defeat in Norway he was appointed Prime Minister of England by King George VI. As Prime Minister during World War Two he is famous for the measures he took to prevent the German invasion of Great Britain, and his enlistment of foreign countries in World War Two. In 1941 Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Atlantic Charter which outlined the foreign policy of England and the United States. Together with President Roosevelt, and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was instrumental in defeating Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany in World War Two.

Following World War Two Winston Churchill lost the election in 1945, and was re-elected as Prime Minister in 1951. In 1953 he was knighted for his service to England, and also won the Nobel prize for literature in the same year. Following signs of deteriorating health Winston Churchill resigned from his position as Prime Minister in 1955, but continued to serve in the house of commons until 1964. As evidence of his influence and service to humanity, Winston Churchill was made the first honorary United States citizen in history by Congress in 1963. He is also the first commoner to have a state funeral attended by a reigning British Monarch.

Winston Churchill wrote many books in his lifetime, and was also an artist famous for his landscape paintings. The many English Literature books by Winston Churchill include Lord Randolf Churchill (1906 - biography), The World Crisis (1929), Marlborough: His Life and Times (1938), The Unrelenting Struggle (1942), The End of The Beginning (1943), Onwards to Victory (1944), Dawn of Liberation (1945), Secret Session Speeches (1946), Painting as a Pastime (1950), In the Balance (1952), The Second World War (1953), Stemming of the Tide (1954), and A History of the English Speaking Peoples (1958).


While England Slept - A Survey of World Affairs, 1932-1938

Many books tell us about history but here is one book that caused history to take place. In the period 1932-1938 England was creeping closer to war. Many people perhaps a majority felt that England should rely on her natural defenses, including the English Channel that no army had successfully crossed since 1066.
However, there was one almost lone voice crying in the wilderness that England should do more to prepare for war. That was the voice of Winston Churchill who was then only a lowly former member of the House of Commons.
This book is a collection of speeches he made from 1932 to 1938. The common theme in these speeches that England had done little to prepare for war. He said that war with Germany was coming and England would not be ready for it. Churchill was especially critical of Neville Chamberlain and his famous quote of "Peace in Our Time" and his police of appeasement.
It was when Churchill was proven right and the war actually started just as he had predicted that Neville Chamberlain resigned on 10 May 1940 and Churchill became Prime Minister. His speeches and radio broadcasts helped inspire British resistance, especially during the difficult days of 1940-41 when the British Commonwealth and Empire stood almost alone in its active opposition to Adolf Hitler. He led Britain as Prime Minister until victory over Nazi Germany had been secured.
A famous quote by Churchill is "History will be kind to me because I intend to write it."
Churchill was a powerful writer starting from his first book in 1898 "The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War." It was his first published work of non-fiction.
In June 1938, Winston Churchill published this book under the title "Arms and the Covenant." It was then published in the US in September 1938 as While England Slept; a Survey of World Affairs, 1932-1938. It highlighted the United Kingdom's lack of military preparation to face the threat of Nazi Germany's expansion.
In 1940, John F. Kennedy, then a student in his senior year at Harvard University, found he did not agree with the analysis by Churchill of the reasons for the war, so he wrote a book with almost the same title. Kennedy wrote it essentially as a critique and a rebuttal. In it, he in he examined the reasons for the UK's lack of preparation. He reached the same conclusion that some others since then have reached that it was not the "Policy of Appeasement" by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain that let to the war.
It was an unfortunate choice to publish Why England Slept by Kennedy with almost exactly the same title as While England Slept by Churchill.
John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917. He was only 23 years old when he wrote his book. In 1940, Kennedy completed his thesis, "Appeasement in Munich," about British participation in the Munich Agreement. The thesis became the bestseller under the title Why England Slept. This has led to endless confusion as commentators have constantly gotten the two books mixed up.

My African Journey

Acknowledging all Churchill's other accolades, we tend to overlook his claims as a writer of travel. A fine example is at hand in My African Journey, the story of his 1908 excursion in Kenya and Uganda.
Churchill's description of the East Africa of nearly a century ago makes an interesting comparison with today. The feeling of innocence and charm in the tribes he meets is now lost; the animals he hunts, decimated; the countryside through which he travels, pastoral no more.

But Churchill could never be just a traveler, so he notes dozens of opportunities for improvement--many subsequently adopted. Fascinating to sojourn with the young Winston, then in his early 30's, and feel the developing insight and judgment that one day would literally save the world.

Memoirs of The Second World War

As Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1940 to 1945, Winston Churchill was not only the most powerful player in World War II, but also the free world's most eloquent voice of defiance in the face of Nazi tyranny. Churchill's epic accounts of those times, remarkable for their grand sweep and incisive firsthand observations, are distilled here in this essential volume. Memoirs of the Second World War is a vital and illuminating work that retains the drama, eyewitness details, and magisterial prose of his classic six-volume history and offers an invaluable view of pivotal events of the twentieth century.

Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches

Winston Churchill was the most eloquent and expressive statesman of his time. It was as an orator that Churchill became most completely alive, and it was through his oratory that his words made their greatest and most enduring impact. While the definitive collection of Churchill's speeches fills eight volumes, here for the first time, his grandson, Winston S. Churchill, has put together a personal selection of his favorite speeches in a single, indispensable volume. He has chosen from his grandfather's entire output and thoughtfully introduces each selection. The book covers the whole of Churchill's life, from the very first speech he made to those of his last days. It includes some of Churchill's best-known speeches as well as some that have never before been published in popular form. Today, Sir Winston Churchill is revered as an indomitable figure and his wisdom is called upon again and again. Reading these speeches, from the perspective of a new century, we can once again see Sir Winston Churchill's genius and be moved and inspired by his words.

The River War

Before he was a politician, Winston Churchill was a soldier and journalist. This book is a marvelous telling of the Egyptian and British campaign in the Sudan in the late 19th century. Churchill pays particular and appropriate attention to the logistics that allowed the British to deliver men and arms to a distant desert campaign. The book is chock-a-block with typical Chuchillian turns of phrase. Recommended to those interested in military history or the ongoing conflict between Christendom and the Islamic world.

The Story of the Malakand Field Force

The book does not pretend to deal with the complications of the frontier question, nor to present a complete summary of its phases and features. In the opening chapter I have tried to describe the general character of the numerous and powerful tribes of the Indian Frontier. In the last chapter I have attempted to apply the intelligence of a plain man to the vast mass of expert evidence, which on this subject is so great that it baffles memory and exhausts patience. The rest is narrative, and in it I have only desired to show the reader what it looked like.

Churchill and Roosevelt - The Complete Correspondence

The complete correspondence of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Including every written communication that passed between Churchill and Roosevelt during the five and a half years of their wartime leadership, this body of material is essential to an understanding of the politics and strategy of World War II as conducted by two of history's most charismatic men.

The Second World War Series

One of the most fascinating works of history ever written, Winston Churchill's monumental book The Second World War is a six-volume account of the struggle of the Allied powers in Europe against Germany and the Axis. Recounted through the eyes of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the Second World War is also the story of one nation's singular, heroic role in the fight against tyranny. Here you will find pride and patriotism in Churchill's dramatic account and with reason--having learned a lesson at Munich that they would never forget, the British refused to make peace with Hitler, defying him even after France had fallen and it seemed as though the Nazis were an unstoppable force.

What lends this work its tension is Churchill’s inclusion of primary source material. We hear Churchill’s retrospective analysis of the war, but we are also presented with memos, letters, orders, speeches, and telegrams that give day-by-day accounts of the reactions as the drama unfolds. We listen as strategies and counter-strategies unfold in response to Hitler’s conquest of Europe, his planned invasion of England, and his assault on Russia. All contrive to give a mesmerizing account of the crucial decisions that must be made as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

The Gathering Storm

Winston Churchill's six-volume history of the cataclysm that swept the world remains the definitive history of the Second World War. Lucid, dramatic, remarkable both for its breadth and sweep and for its sense of personal involvement, it is universally acknowledged as a magnificent reconstruction and is an enduring, compelling work that led to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Winston Churchill was not only a statesman and leader of historic proportions, he also possessed substantial literary talents. These two factors combine to make The Gathering Storm a unique work. The first volume of Churchill's memoirs, this selection is broken into two parts. The first, From War to War, consists of Churchill's critical observations on the settlement of World War I and its place in the causes of the Second World War. The second volume contains letters and memoranda from the British government of which Churchill was part as the country plunged unprepared into war. This stands as the best of history: written as it was made, by the man who made it.

Their Finest Hour

Their Finest Hour enthrallingly recounts key events and battles from May to December 1940 as Britain stood isolated while Nazi Germany pursued its seemingly unconquerable war path - the fall of France, Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain, the horrors of the Blitz and Hitler's plans to invade and crush Russia, his sole ally in Europe.

In Their Finest Hour, Winston Churchill describes the invasion of France and a growing sense of dismay in Britain. Should Britain meet France’s desperate pleas for reinforcements or conserve their resources in preparation for the inevitable German assault? In the book’s second half, entitled simply “Alone,” Churchill discusses Great Britain’s position as the last stronghold against German conquest: the battle for control of the skies over Britain, diplomatic efforts to draw the United States into the war, and the spreading global conflict.

The Grand Alliance

The Grand Alliance recounts the momentous events of 1941 surrounding America's entry into the War and Hitler's march on Russia - the continuing onslaught on British civilians during the Blitz, Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and the alliance between Britain and America that shaped the outcome of the War.

The Grand Alliance describes the end of an extraordinary period in British military history, in which Britain stood alone against Germany. Two crucial events brought an end to Britain’s isolation. First was Hitler’s decision to attack the Soviet Union, opening up a battle front in the East and forcing Stalin to look to the British for support. The second was the bombing of Pearl Harbor. US support had long been crucial to the British war effort, and here, Winston Churchill documents his efforts to draw the Americans to aid, including correspondence with President Roosevelt.

The Hinge of Fate

The Hinge of Fate describes how the tide of the war gradually turned for Britain and its allies from constant defeat to almost unbroken successes - Japan's successful assault on the Pacific, Britain's attempts to aid a beleaguered Russia and the defeat of Rommel at the Battle of Alamein.

The Hinge of Fate is the dramatic account of the Allies' changing fortunes.In the first half of the book, Churchill describes the fearful period in which the Germans threaten to overwhelm the Red Army, Rommel dominates the war in the desert, and Singapore falls to the Japanese. In the span of just a few months, the Allies begin to turn the tide, achieving decisive victories at Midway and Guadalcanal, and repulsing the Germans at Stalingrad. As confidence builds, the Allies begin to gain ground against the Axis powers.

Closing the Ring

Closing the Ring chronicles the period between June 1943 and July 1944 as the Allies consolidated their gains towards a drive to victory the fall of Mussolini, Hitler's 'secret weapon', the mounting air offensive on Germany, strategies to defeat Japan and the plans for D Day.

Churchill shows in Volume Five, Closing the Ring, the Allied forces going on the offensive. Mussolini falls, Hitler is besieged on three sides, and the Japanese find it near impossible to maintain a grip on the territories they had recently overtaken. Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt work towards keeping their uneasy partnership moving in concert and much of this volume is dedicated to describing the intricate negotiations that went on to sustain this partnership toward one single end goal.

Triumph and Tragedy

In Triumph and Tragedy, Churchill provides in dramatic detail the endgame of the war and the uneasy meetings between himself, Stalin, and Truman to discuss plans for rebuilding Europe in the aftermath of devastation, beginning with invasion of Normandy, the heroic landing of the Allied armies and the most remarkable amphibious operation in military history. Churchill watches as the uneasy coalition that had knit themselves together begins to fray at Potsdam, foreshadowing the birth of the Cold War.

The World Crisis

As first lord of the admiralty and minister for war and air, Churchill stood resolute at the center of international affairs. In this classic account, he dramatically details how the tides of despair and triumph flowed and ebbed as the political and military leaders of the time navigated the dangerous currents of world conflict.

Churchill vividly recounts the major campaigns that shaped the war: the furious attacks of the Marne, the naval maneuvers off Jutland, Verdun's “soul-stirring frenzy,” and the surprising victory of Chemins des Dames. Here, too, he re-creates the dawn of modern warfare: the buzz of airplanes overhead, trench combat, artillery thunder, and the threat of chemical warfare. In Churchill's inimitable voice we hear how “the war to end all wars” instead gave birth to every war that would follow, including the current war in Iraq. Written with unprecedented flair and knowledge of the events, The World Crisis remains the single greatest history of World War I, essential reading for anyone who wishes to understand the twentieth century.


Rich with personal insights, the first part of Churchill's magisterial book covers the years 1911-1914 and includes Ireland and the European balance, the mobilization of the Navy, the invasion of France, and Turkey and the Balkans.


The second volume of Churchill's history covers 1915 the first full year of a conflict that most of the antagonists had expected to be over in a matter of months. Churchill here covers the intractable deadlock on the western front, the use of tanks and gas on the battlefields and the unsuccessful attempts by both sides to break through. In addition, Churchill also considers his own involvement in the Dardanelles campaign (Gallipoli).


In March 1916, Winston Churchill returned to England to speak once more in the House of Commons. Appointed first Minister of Munitions, then later Secretary of State for War and Secretary of State for Air, Churchill was in a prime position to observe and document the violent end of World War I.

Eastern Front

Tells a gritty, true-to-life account of the Eastern Front written by someone whose decisions had a profound impact on the success of war efforts both in the East and in the West.

The Aftermath

Churchill's personal memoir of The Great War. Includes the challenges of demobilization, moving Britain to a non-war footing, The Troubles in Ireland, and England's response to the Russian Revolution.

A History of The English-Speaking People

The Birth of Britain

The Birth of Britain tells the story of the formation of the British state, from the arrival of Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire through the invasions of the Vikings and the Normans, the signing of the Magna Carta and establishment of the mother of parliaments to the War of the Roses.

The New World

This second of four volumes exploring the history of this great nation explores the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, from the power struggles of the Tudor and Stuart families, the growth of the monarchy, the Protestant Reformation, England’s Civil War, and the discovery of the Americas. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples remains one of the most compelling and vivid works of history ever written.

The Age of Revolution

During the long period of 1688 to 1815, three revolutions took place and all led to war between the British and the French. The English Revolution of 1688 made a new enemy of an old foe; the American Revolution of 1775 saw the United States finally declare independence; and the French Revolution of 1789 reverberated across Europe for years to come. Who better to capture the character and vigour of Wellington, Walpole, Nelson and Pitt than the Prime Minister who led Britain to victory in Europe in 1945?

The Great Democracies

The fourth of Churchill's grandly ambitious four-volume A History of the English-Speaking Peoples begins with the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars-and ends with the Boer War of 1902. In it, Churchill makes an impassioned argument for the crucial role played by the English-speaking people in exporting not just economic benefits, but political freedom.

Written in Churchill's characteristically compelling style, this volume is the only one in the series to benefit from Churchill's own personal experience as a soldier and a wartime journalist during the Boer War. It provides fascinating reading for those interested in world history and England's impact on it.


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