Palladium Press Theodore Roosevelt Classics Library

The following are books published by the Palladium Press in The Roosevelt Classics Library. Included in the Roosevelt Classics Library are hunting and outdoors books written by Theodore Roosevelt and his son Kermit Roosevelt. Each book in this series is
bound in full genuine leather.

Theodore Roosevelt Classics Library

This beautiful and invaluable collection presents exact facsimiles of original editions of TR’s writings (and personal experiences) on hunting, outdoor adventure, and the conservation of our lands and animals.  From Roosevelt’s classic, timeless account of hunting in the Dakota badlands...Hunting Trips of a Ranchman to his endearing stories of Forgotten Tales and Vanished Trails,  you’ll be with our 26th President as he eloquently takes you along on his exciting journeys of hunting and outdoor adventure! This exquisite library can be yours for the incredible price of $249.95—for the complete set of 12 volumes! You’ll not find this offer anywhere, at any price. Elegantly bound, these volumes with last for generations to come.

Note: This series was reduced to six volumes and some titles are now discontinued!

A Book Lover's Holidays in the Open - 1999
African Game Trails : An Account of the African Wanderings of an American Hunter and Naturalist - 1999
Hunting Trips of a Ranchman : Sketches of Sport on the Northern Cattle Plains - 1999
Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter - 1999
Ranch life and The Hunting Trail ( Theodore Roosevelt and Frederic Remington ) - 1999
Through the Brazilian Wilderness - 1999
The wilderness Hunter : An Account of the Big Game of The United States and its Chase with Horse, Hound and Rifle - 1999
East of the Sun and West of the Moon ( Theodore Roosevelt and Kermit Roosevelt ) - 2000
Good hunting : In Pursuit of Big Game in the West - 2000
The Happy Hunting Grounds ( Kermit Roosevelt ) - 2000
The Special Edition of Life Histories of African Game Animals ( 2 volumes ) - 2000
Trailing the Giant Panda ( Theodore Roosevelt and Kermit Roosevelt ) - 2000
A Sentimental Safari ( Kermit Roosevelt ) - 2001
Forgotten Tales and Vanished Trails - 2001

The Palladium Press published an additional Theodore Roosevelt Winning of the West,  4-Volume Set.

This monumental four-volume narrative is Theodore Roosevelt's ambitious and compendious examination of the nation's westward expansion from it's trans-Appalachian frontier to the Pacific Ocean, from the beginnings of the French and Indian Wars through the end of the nineteenth century.

Best books in order by author list:

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z

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