President Herbert Hoover

President Herbert Hoover

Easton Press Herbert Hoover books

Herbert Hoover: a biography - Eugene Lyons - 1989
Herbert Hoover: A Public Life - David Burner - 1996

President Herbert Hoover biography

Herbert Clark Hoover, (1874-1964), Thirty first President of the United States, born in West Branch, Iowa, and educated at Stanford University. In 1897 he went to Australia as a mining engineer for an English syndicate, and in 1899 the Chinese Government appointed him director of general mines. His government work was terminated by the Boxer uprising and he returned to private practice, engaging in mining operations in many parts of the world. Herbert Hoover became associated with numerous successful mining companies and was managing director of several of them.

At the outbreak of World War One Herbert Hoover was living in Europe; he was appointed to organize and direct the American relief committee which aided the repatriation of more than 200,000 American tourists left in Europe as a result of the breakdown in transportation caused by the war. Soon afterward he was made head of Belgian Relief, and was entrusted with the expenditure of nearly a billion and a half dollars to purchase and supply food and clothing to the people of that war torn nation. Upon the entry of the United States into the war, President Woodrow Wilson recalled Herbert Hoover and appointed him Federal Food Administrator. After the war he was made director general of the American Relief Administration, providing food and necessities to the people of Europe impoverished by the war.

In 1921 Herbert Hoover was appointed secretary of commerce by President Warren G. Harding, and served through the administration of President Calvin Coolidge; he resigned in 1928 when he was nominated by the Republican Party as candidate for the Presidency. The campaign was bitter, not so much because of Republican action, but because of internal dissension in the Democratic Party over nomination of Alfred E. Smith. Herbert Hoover won by a popular vote of twenty one to fifteen million, and by an electoral vote of 444 to 87. At President Herbert Hoover's inauguration on March 4, 1929, he took an affirmation of office rather than the customary oath, which precepts of his Quaker religion forbade.

The first few months of the administration of President Herbert Hover were marked by the reopening of international negotiations for the limitation of naval armaments, and the appointment of a National Law Enforcement Commission to study the effects of national prohibition, and the establishment of a Federal Farm Board. President Hoover's administration was principally marked by the stock market crash of 1929, and the ensuing economic depression. Among his efforts to combat the depression were the establishment of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and a moratorium on the repayment of war debts. The continuance of the depression was chiefly responsible for President Herbert Hoover's defeat by President Franklin Roosevelt in his campaign for re-election in 1932.

After his defeat President Herbert Hoover retired to private life for the duration of the Roosevelt administration, He emerged from retirement in 1946 at the request of President Harry S. Truman to undertake a study of world food supplies to enable the United States government to administer relief to 38 war damaged countries. In 1946-1947 he headed a U.S. government commission to study the entire structure of the Federal government and to submit recommendations for its reorganization in the interests of economy and efficiency. After work of more than a year the Hoover Commission submitted a series of reports over the period of November, 1948, to March, 1949, containing a comprehensive plan for government reorganization. Among the recommendations of the report were consolidation of many departments and agencies, establishment of more cabinet posts to relieve the President of unnecessary detail work and supervision of minor agencies, and a plan to increase the attractiveness of government careers to capable men.

From 1953 to 1955, during the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover again served as chairman of a commission to study United States government operations. This second Hoover Commission was given broader scope than the first. Its recommendations, contained in a series of reports issued during 1955, included proposals for a reorganization of the Central Intelligence Agency, the establishment of a civilian Defense Supply and Service Administration, the cessation of government competition with private enterprise, and curtailment of United States foreign aid and domestic loan programs.

President Herbert Hoover books

President Herbert Hoover wrote the following books:

American Individualism - 1922
The Challenge to Liberty - 1934
Addresses upon the American Road- 1938
The problems of lasting Peace - 1942
Memoirs in 3 books - 1951/1952
The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson - 1958
An American Epic in 4 books - 1959 to 1964


Herbert Hoover: a biography by Eugene Lyons

Herbert Hoover by Eugene Lyons provides a comprehensive exploration of the life and legacy of one of America's most influential figures. Born on August 10, 1874, in West Branch, Iowa, Herbert Clark Hoover rose from humble beginnings to become the 31st President of the United States. His journey from an impoverished childhood to the pinnacle of political power is a testament to his remarkable resilience, intellect, and determination. Hoover's early years were marked by hardship and struggle. Orphaned at a young age, he was raised by relatives and faced numerous challenges on his path to success. Despite these obstacles, Hoover displayed a keen intellect and a strong work ethic, earning a scholarship to Stanford University where he studied geology. This academic pursuit would shape his future career and lay the foundation for his success in business and politics.

After graduating from Stanford in 1895, Hoover embarked on a successful career as a mining engineer, traveling the world and gaining valuable experience in the industry. He quickly gained recognition for his expertise and leadership, becoming known as a skilled problem solver and innovator in the field. Hoover's reputation as a humanitarian also began to emerge during this time. He gained international acclaim for his efforts to provide relief to civilians affected by World War I, leading the Commission for Relief in Belgium and later serving as the head of the American Relief Administration. His work saved millions of lives and solidified his reputation as a compassionate and capable leader.

In the aftermath of the war, Hoover's political career began to take shape. He served as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, where he played a key role in promoting economic growth and innovation. His progressive policies and advocacy for government intervention in the economy earned him widespread praise and admiration. In 1928, Hoover achieved his greatest ambition, winning the presidency in a landslide victory over Democrat Al Smith. However, his time in office would be overshadowed by the onset of the Great Depression. Despite his efforts to address the economic crisis, including the implementation of public works projects and efforts to stabilize the banking system, Hoover's presidency ultimately faltered as the country descended into economic turmoil.

Eugene Lyons' biography provides a nuanced and insightful look into Hoover's life, offering readers a deeper understanding of his complex personality and his enduring impact on American history. Despite the challenges he faced, Herbert Hoover's legacy remains a testament to the power of perseverance, leadership, and service to others.


A Public Life

Herbert Hoover: A Public Life by David Burner offers a meticulous examination of the political career and public service of one of America's most enigmatic figures. Born on August 10, 1874, in West Branch, Iowa, Herbert Clark Hoover's journey from a modest upbringing to the presidency encapsulates the complexities of American politics and society in the early 20th century. From his humble beginnings, Hoover's trajectory was marked by intellect, ambition, and a relentless drive for success. After graduating from Stanford University in 1895, he embarked on a career as a mining engineer, honing his skills and gaining recognition for his expertise in the field. This early experience would later shape his approach to governance and policymaking, particularly in matters of economic development and industrial progress.

Hoover's humanitarian efforts during World War I catapulted him onto the international stage, earning him acclaim for his leadership of the Commission for Relief in Belgium and the American Relief Administration. His innovative strategies for providing aid to war-torn Europe showcased his ability to navigate complex challenges and mobilize resources on a global scale. Upon his return to the United States, Hoover's reputation as a capable administrator and problem solver paved the way for his entry into politics. Serving as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, he championed policies aimed at promoting economic growth and fostering cooperation between government and industry. His advocacy for voluntary cooperation and self-regulation earned him praise from business leaders and policymakers alike. In 1928, Hoover achieved the pinnacle of his political career, winning the presidency in a landslide victory over Democrat Al Smith. However, his tenure in the White House would be defined by the onset of the Great Depression. Despite his best efforts to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis, including the implementation of public works programs and measures to stabilize the banking system, Hoover's presidency ultimately faltered as the country plunged into unprecedented hardship and despair.

David Burner's biography offers a comprehensive and insightful analysis of Hoover's public life, shedding light on the complexities of his character and the challenges he faced as a leader. Despite the mixed legacy of his presidency, Herbert Hoover's commitment to public service and his contributions to American society endure as a testament to his enduring impact on the nation's history.

Herbert Hoover quotes

"Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt."
"Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity."
"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die."
"Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body – the producers and consumers themselves."
"Wisdom oft times consists of knowing what to do next."
"The slogan of progress is changing from the full dinner pail to the full garage."
"When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned."
"Children are our most valuable natural resource."
"Words without actions are the assassins of idealism."
"The trouble with capitalism is capitalists; they're too damn greedy."
"Once upon a time my political opponents honored me as possessing the fabulous intellectual and economic power by which I created a worldwide depression all by myself."
"I am the only person of distinction who has ever had a depression named for him."

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