President Grover Cleveland

President Grover Cleveland books

Easton Press Grover Cleveland books

Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage - 2 volumes - Allan Nevins - 1988
Grover Cleveland a Biography - Rexford G. Tugwell - 2000

President Grover Cleveland Biography

Stephen Grover Cleveland, born on March 18, 1837, in Caldwell, New Jersey, was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. He remains the only U.S. president to serve two non-consecutive terms, making him both the 22nd and 24th president. Cleveland is remembered for his commitment to fiscal conservatism and his efforts to maintain the integrity of the presidency. Cleveland grew up in upstate New York and later attended the Fayetteville Academy and the Clinton Liberal Institute. He began studying law and was admitted to the bar in 1859. Cleveland's political career started when he served as the sheriff of Erie County, New York, from 1871 to 1873. His reputation for honesty and efficiency earned him the nickname "Grover the Good."

In 1881, Cleveland was elected the mayor of Buffalo, New York, and his success in that role catapulted him to the governorship of New York in 1882. He was elected governor of New York in 1882 by a majority of more than 190,000 votes. His straightforward and principled approach to politics caught the attention of the Democratic Party, and he was nominated as their candidate for the presidency in 1884.

The 1884 presidential campaign pitted Grover Cleveland against the Republican candidate James G. Blaine. Cleveland won a narrow victory, becoming the first Democrat to win the presidency since the Civil War. His presidency was marked by a commitment to civil service reform, and he advocated for a limited government role in economic affairs. One of the notable events during his first term was the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887. Cleveland's presidency faced challenges, particularly regarding economic issues such as tariffs and the coinage of silver. He also dealt with the Pullman Strike of 1894, during which he controversially used federal troops to end the labor unrest.

After losing the election of 1888 to Benjamin Harrison, Cleveland returned to private life, but his political career was far from over. In 1892, he won the Democratic nomination again and successfully ran for president, making him the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms. During his second term, Cleveland grappled with economic hardships, including the Panic of 1893, and his efforts to address these challenges faced opposition. His second term was signalized by his zeal for currency reform, for the repeal of the Silver Act, and against the Republican high tariff policies, and by a sudden intervention in the dispute between Britain and Venezuela which for a time threatened to cause war between the United States and Britain. In 1896 the Democrats repudiated Grover Cleveland's administration and nominated William Jennings Bryan, who was defeated by Republican William McKinley. His presidency ended in 1897, and he retired to private life in Princeton, New Jersey.

Grover Cleveland's legacy is often associated with his commitment to fiscal responsibility and limited government. While his time in office faced both praise and criticism, he remains an important figure in American political history. Grover Cleveland passed away on June 24, 1908, in Princeton, New Jersey.

President Grover Cleveland


A Study in Courage

Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage by Allan Nevins is a biography that delves deep into the life and leadership of one of America's most intriguing political figures. Allan Nevins, a renowned historian, meticulously traces the journey of Cleveland, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the man behind the presidency. Born on March 18, 1837, in Caldwell, New Jersey, Stephen Grover Cleveland's early life was marked by modest beginnings. His father, a Presbyterian minister, instilled in him strong moral values and a sense of duty to others. Cleveland's path to prominence was not one of privilege but of hard work and dedication.

Nevins paints a vivid picture of Cleveland's rise in the political arena. From his early career as a lawyer in Buffalo, New York, to his tenure as the Mayor of Buffalo and later as Governor of New York, Cleveland quickly gained a reputation for his integrity and commitment to reform. His willingness to take on corrupt political machines and his unwavering dedication to the principles of honesty and fairness earned him widespread respect among the American public. However, it was Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms as President of the United States that truly defined his legacy. Nevins explores Cleveland's presidency with a keen eye, highlighting his courage in tackling some of the most pressing issues of his time. From his stance against the spoils system to his efforts to combat political corruption, Cleveland's leadership was characterized by a steadfast commitment to doing what he believed was right, regardless of the political consequences. One of the most significant challenges Cleveland faced during his presidency was the economic turmoil of the 1890s. The country was plunged into a severe depression, and Cleveland was tasked with navigating the nation through this tumultuous period. His bold economic policies, including his decision to repeal the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, were met with both praise and criticism. Yet, through it all, Cleveland remained resolute in his determination to put the country's interests above partisan politics.

Nevins captures Cleveland's essence as a man of principle and conviction, whose courage in the face of adversity left an indelible mark on American history. His biography offers readers a compelling insight into the life of a leader who was willing to stand up for what he believed in, even when it meant going against the tide. In conclusion, Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage by Allan Nevins is a masterful portrayal of one of America's most courageous and principled leaders. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, Nevins brings Cleveland's remarkable story to life, reminding us of the enduring power of integrity and moral courage in the face of adversity.

Grover Cleveland a Biography by Rexford G. Tugwell

Gripping and insightful, Grover Cleveland: A Biography by Rexford G. Tugwell unveils the complexities of one of America's most enigmatic presidents. Tugwell, a distinguished historian, meticulously unravels Cleveland's journey from his humble beginnings to the pinnacle of political power. With a keen eye for detail, Tugwell explores Cleveland's steadfast commitment to integrity, his battles against corruption, and his bold leadership during times of national crisis. This captivating biography offers a richly nuanced portrait of a leader whose legacy continues to resonate in American history.

Grover Cleveland quotes

"Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters."

"A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves."

"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed by man and woman in the working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence than ours."

"What is the use of being elected or re-elected unless you stand for something?"

"He mocks the people who proposes that the Government shall protect the rich and that they in turn will care for the laboring poor."

"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught."

"The ship of democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those on board."

"Public officers are the servants and agents of the people, to execute laws which the people have made."

"The laboring classes constitute the main part of our population. They should be protected in their efforts peaceably to assert their rights when endangered by aggregated capital."

"The lessons of paternalism ought to be unlearned and the better lesson taught that while the people should patriotically and cheerfully support their Government, its functions do not include the support of the people."

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