Peter Carey

The Tax Inspector

Franklin Library Peter Carey books

The Tax Inspector - signed first edition - 1991

Author Peter Carey

Peter Carey, born on May 7, 1943, in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia, is a highly acclaimed Australian novelist and two-time winner of the Booker Prize. With a career spanning several decades, Carey has earned a reputation for his inventive storytelling, linguistic prowess, and his exploration of complex themes often rooted in Australian history and culture. Carey initially pursued a career in advertising and began writing fiction in his spare time. His debut novel, Bliss, was published in 1981 and marked the beginning of his literary journey. The novel, which blends satire and fantasy, revolves around the life of an advertising executive experiencing a midlife crisis.

His breakthrough came with Oscar and Lucinda (1988), a novel that won the Booker Prize and showcased Carey's ability to craft intricate narratives. The story follows the lives of an Anglican priest and a glassworks heiress in 19th-century Australia, exploring themes of love, obsession, and the collision of cultures. In 1989, Carey won his second Booker Prize for Oscar and Lucinda, making him one of only a few authors to receive the prestigious award more than once. This recognition solidified his status as a major figure in contemporary literature. Carey continued to produce critically acclaimed works, such as The Tax Inspector (1991), The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith (1994), and Jack Maggs (1997). The latter novel is a reimagining of Charles Dickens's Great Expectations and showcases Carey's ability to engage with literary traditions while adding his unique perspective.

Another Booker Prize came Carey's way with True History of the Kelly Gang (2000), a novel that delves into the life of the infamous Australian outlaw, Ned Kelly. Written in the form of a journal, the novel skillfully captures Kelly's voice and perspective, offering a fresh take on Australian history. Carey's literary achievements extend beyond novels. He has also penned short stories and essays, contributing to various publications. His works often grapple with the complexities of identity, the impact of colonization, and the dynamic relationship between the individual and society.

Peter Carey's contribution to literature has been recognized globally, and his body of work reflects a commitment to pushing the boundaries of storytelling. As a celebrated Australian author, he has left an indelible mark on the literary landscape, showcasing the depth and diversity of the Australian literary tradition.

Peter Carey The Tax Inspector

The Tax Inspector

Granny Catchprice runs her family business (and her family) with senility, cunning, and a handbag full of explosives. Her daughter Cathy would rather be singing Country & Western than selling cars, while Benny Catchprice, sixteen and seriously psychopathic, wants to transform a failing auto franchise into an empire and himself into an angel. Out of the confrontation between the Catchprices and their unwitting nemesis, a beautiful and very pregnant agent of the Australian Taxation Office, Peter Carey, author of Oscar and Lucinda , creates an endlessly surprising and fearfully convincing novel.

Franklin Library The Tax Inspector

Peter Carey signed

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