Nancy Reagan

Easton Press Nancy Reagan books

A Shining City: The Legacy of Ronald Reagan - signed first edition (signed by Nancy Reagan) - 1998

First Lady Nancy Reagan

Nancy Reagan, born Anne Frances Robbins on July 6, 1921, in New York City, was a prominent American First Lady, actress, and influential figure in American politics. She became one of the most recognizable and influential First Ladies in modern American history, known for her grace, elegance, and unwavering support for her husband, President Ronald Reagan. Nancy's early life was marked by challenges, including her parents' divorce and her mother's struggle with alcoholism. Despite these obstacles, she pursued a career in acting and eventually found success in Hollywood, appearing in several films during the 1940s and 1950s. It was during her time in Hollywood that she met Ronald Reagan, then an actor, and the two quickly fell in love. They were married in 1952 and remained devoted to each other until Ronald's death in 2004.

As First Lady from 1981 to 1989, Nancy Reagan played a pivotal role in shaping her husband's presidency and advocating for various causes close to her heart. She is perhaps best known for her "Just Say No" campaign, which aimed to combat drug abuse among American youth. Through this initiative, she traveled the country, speaking to children and teenagers about the dangers of drugs and encouraging them to make healthy choices. Beyond her anti-drug efforts, Nancy Reagan was also deeply involved in White House operations and policy decisions. She was known for her fierce protection of her husband and her ability to influence his decision-making process. Her close relationship with Ronald earned her the nickname "The First Lady of the Administration," reflecting her significant influence in shaping the Reagan presidency.

Following Ronald's diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in 1994, Nancy became his devoted caregiver and staunch advocate for Alzheimer's research and awareness. She remained fiercely dedicated to her husband until his passing in 2004, and she continued to champion Alzheimer's causes until her own death in 2016. Throughout her life, Nancy Reagan left an indelible mark on American politics and society. Her grace, poise, and unwavering commitment to her husband and causes she believed in earned her widespread admiration and respect. She will be remembered as a devoted wife, influential First Lady, and tireless advocate for the betterment of society.

A Shining City: The Legacy of Ronald Reagan

A Shining City is a captivating compilation of the 40th President's speeches, writings, and reflections. Published in 1997, this book offers readers a comprehensive portrait of Ronald Reagan's character, leadership, and vision for America. Drawing from Reagan's vast body of work as an orator, the book presents a curated selection of his most memorable speeches, including his inaugural addresses, State of the Union speeches, and addresses to the nation during pivotal moments in history. From his stirring rhetoric on freedom and democracy to his pragmatic approach to governance, Reagan's words resonate with timeless wisdom and optimism. In addition to speeches, A Shining City features excerpts from Reagan's private correspondence, diary entries, and personal reflections, providing readers with a more intimate glimpse into his thoughts and feelings. Through these writings, readers gain insight into Reagan's values, beliefs, and the experiences that shaped his worldview.

The title of the book, A Shining City, is drawn from one of Reagan's most famous speeches, in which he described America as "a shining city upon a hill" – a beacon of hope and opportunity for the world. This theme of American exceptionalism runs throughout Reagan's writings and speeches, reflecting his unwavering faith in the promise of the United States.

Assembled with care and reverence, Ronald Reagan: A Shining City is more than just a collection of speeches; it is a tribute to the enduring legacy of one of America's most beloved presidents. With its insightful commentary and inspiring prose, this book offers readers a deeper understanding of Reagan's leadership, his commitment to freedom, and his vision for a brighter future.


Nancy Reagan quotes

"Just Say No to Drugs."
"We learn something out of everything, and you come to realize more than ever that we're all here for a certain space of time, and then it's going to be over, and better make this count."
"A woman is like a teabag – only in hot water do you realize how strong she is."
"I love you so very much I don't even mind that life made me wait so long to find you. The waiting only made the finding sweeter."
"There is no job description for the first lady and she's only there because her husband got elected president."
"It is true that when you're in the White House alone, it is a lonely place. Big and lonely."


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