Marilynne Robinson

Easton Press Marilynne Robinson books

Housekeeping - signed modern classic - 2013

Marilynne Robinson biography

Marilynne Robinson, born on November 26, 1943, in Sandpoint, Idaho, is an acclaimed American novelist, essayist, and professor known for her luminous prose, profound insights into the human condition, and exploration of themes such as faith, morality, and redemption. Robinson grew up in a small town in Idaho, where she developed a deep appreciation for literature and the natural world. She attended Pembroke College, now part of Brown University, where she studied literature and philosophy. Later, she pursued graduate studies in English and creative writing, earning her Master of Arts from the University of Washington and her Master of Fine Arts from the Iowa Writers' Workshop.

Robinson's literary career began in earnest with the publication of her debut novel, Housekeeping, in 1980. The novel, which tells the story of two orphaned sisters growing up in a remote Idaho town, garnered immediate critical acclaim for its lyrical prose and haunting portrayal of loss and longing. Housekeeping was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and established Robinson as a writer of rare talent and sensitivity. After a long hiatus from novel writing, Robinson returned to the literary scene in 2004 with the publication of Gilead, a masterpiece of American literature that won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. The novel is framed as a long letter from John Ames, an aging preacher in rural Iowa, to his young son, recounting his life, faith, and legacy. Gilead is celebrated for its luminous language, profound meditations on love and forgiveness, and rich evocation of the American Midwest. Robinson continued to explore the fictional world of Gilead in two companion novels, Home (2008) and Lila (2014), which delve deeper into the lives of the town's inhabitants and the complexities of human relationships. These novels, like Gilead, received widespread acclaim and solidified Robinson's reputation as one of America's most gifted and insightful novelists.

In addition to her fiction, Robinson is also known for her thought-provoking essays and non-fiction works, which tackle a wide range of subjects, including theology, democracy, and American history. Her essay collections, such as The Death of Adam (1998) and When I Was a Child I Read Books (2012), showcase her incisive intellect, moral clarity, and deep engagement with the world. Throughout her career, Marilynne Robinson has been honored with numerous awards and accolades, including the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Orange Prize for Fiction, and the Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction. She is revered by readers and critics alike for her luminous prose, profound insights, and unwavering commitment to exploring the mysteries of the human spirit.

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