L. Ron Hubbard

Easton Press L. Ron Hubbard books

Final Blackout - Masterpieces of Science Fiction - 1993

L. Ron Hubbard 12 Book Classics of Fiction set - 1995 - including the following titles:
The Case of The Friendly Corpse
The Crossroads
The Ghoul
The Indigestable Triton
The Invaders and The Beasts
The Kilkenny Cats
The Kingslayer
The Obsolete Weapon
The Tramp
The Ultimate Adventure
To The Stars
Typewriter in The Sky

L. Ron Hubbard biography

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, commonly known as L. Ron Hubbard, was born on March 13, 1911, in Tilden, Nebraska, and went on to become a controversial and influential figure as the founder of the Church of Scientology. Hubbard's life is marked by a combination of accomplishments in various fields, including science fiction writing, self-help philosophy, and the establishment of a religious movement. Hubbard's early years saw a keen interest in writing and exploration. He began writing pulp fiction stories in the 1930s, contributing to various genres, including science fiction, adventure, and fantasy. His most well-known work from this period is the Dianetics series, particularly Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, published in 1950. This work laid the foundation for what would later evolve into the Church of Scientology. Dianetics captivated the imaginations of some and raised eyebrows among others. Hubbard proposed a system of mental health that aimed to address the traumas stored in the "reactive mind" through a process called auditing. The book garnered attention, and followers began to rally around the charismatic figure of its author.

In 1953, L. Ron Hubbard officially founded the Church of Scientology, promoting a belief system that combined elements of science fiction, psychology, and self-help philosophy. The church gained attention and criticism for its secretive practices, litigious approach toward critics, and its controversial methods, such as the use of a device called the E-meter for auditing. Hubbard's teachings emphasized the concept of Thetans, immortal spiritual beings, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment through a process called auditing. Over the years, Scientology faced scrutiny from governments, former members, and the media, leading to legal battles and controversies surrounding its practices.

Apart from his role in Scientology, Hubbard continued his prolific writing career. He authored numerous science fiction novels, including the Battlefield Earth series, which gained attention both for its literary merits and its later adaptation into a film. L. Ron Hubbard's early career was primarily in the field of pulp fiction and science fiction writing. He authored numerous stories and novels in various genres, gaining recognition for his contributions to science fiction during the Golden Age of Science Fiction. One of his most famous works is the 1950 science fiction novel Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, which laid the foundation for the development of Scientology.

In the vast expanse of the 20th century, where the winds of change blew through the realms of spirituality and self-discovery, the narrative of Lafayette Ronald Hubbard emerged as a tale of eccentricity, controversy, and the founding of a movement that would stir both fascination and skepticism. Hubbard, with his aviator shades and charismatic presence, remained a polarizing figure. His life took on a nomadic quality as he sailed the seas on his private fleet, the Sea Organization, seeking havens beyond the reach of legal and governmental scrutiny. The Church, under his guidance, weathered storms of legal battles and criticisms, becoming both a symbol of spiritual devotion for its adherents and a subject of skepticism for the wider world. L. Ron Hubbard passed away on January 24, 1986, in Creston, California. Despite the controversies surrounding his legacy and the Church of Scientology, Hubbard left a lasting impact on popular culture and has influenced the beliefs and practices of Scientology followers worldwide. The church continues to operate and advocate for its teachings, while Hubbard's life remains a subject of ongoing debate and examination.

Notable Science Fiction Books

Battlefield Earth (1982) A science fiction novel set in a dystopian future where Earth is ruled by an alien species known as the Psychlos. The story follows a human rebellion against their oppressive alien overlords.

Mission Earth Series (1985–1987) A ten-book science fiction series that satirizes various aspects of human society and government. The series portrays a covert alien invasion and the efforts of a secret agent to thwart the aliens' plans.

Fear (1940) and Final Blackout (1940) Both are dystopian science fiction novels exploring themes of war, totalitarianism, and the human condition.

Dianetics and Scientology Books

Dianetics - The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950) Hubbard's seminal work that introduced the concept of Dianetics, a set of ideas and practices aimed at addressing mental and emotional issues.

Scientology - A History of Man (1952) Explores the history of thetans (spiritual beings in Scientology belief) and the evolution of life forms.

Fundamentals of Thought (1956) Discusses basic principles of Scientology and the mind.

The Way to Happiness (1981) A non-fiction work presenting a moral code based on Hubbard's teachings.

Adventure and Westerns

Typewriter in the Sky (1940) A fantasy novel where a writer discovers he is a character in a story written by another author.

The Kingslayer (1949) and The Lieutenant Takes the Sky (1940) Adventure novels set in exotic locations.

Fantasy Works

Slaves of Sleep (1939) A fantasy novel that blends elements of Arabian Nights tales with a modern twist.
It's important to note that while Hubbard's science fiction works gained recognition in their time, his later books related to Scientology have been met with controversy and criticism, both for their content and for the practices associated with the Church of Scientology. The Church continues to promote and distribute Hubbard's writings as part of its religious doctrine. Hubbard's literary legacy is complex, with his works celebrated by followers and scrutinized by critics.

Final Blackout - A Futuristic War Novel

London 1975. As the great World War grinds to a halt a force more sinister than Hitler's Nazis has seized control of Europe and is systematically destroying every adversary except one.In the heart of France a crack unit of British soldiers survive, overcoming all opposition under the leadership of a hardened military strategist highly trained in every method of combat and known only as The Lieutenant. Ordered to return to British Headquarters, the Lieutenant is torn between obeying the politicians in London or doing what he knows is right for his country, regardless of the price.

In a Europe laid waste by decades of unending warfare, one brigade of invincibles, led by a battle-tested strategist known mysteriously only as "The Lieutenant," survives against all odds. Finally reaching an embattled England, they defy the forces of tyranny in a last-ditch struggle for survival at the brink of the final blackout.

A land ravaged by war without end. Cities gutted by weapons of mass destruction. Countries laid waste by biological warfare. Governments ruined by greed, violence, and corruption. This is a world in the throes of economic decay and at the mercy of terrorists. This is Asia. This is Europe. This is America. This is Final Blackout. Across this devastated, post-apocalyptic landscape marches one extraordinary soldier and his band of brothers. He is the Lieutenant, a hardened military strategist and a charismatic leader of men. The narrow-minded high command may have relieved the Lieutenant of duty, but not of his honor and his crack unit of warriors remains fiercely loyal to him. Now, in a time of deception, desperation, and betrayal, they are headed into the ultimate battle against the ultimate enemy—their own treacherous leaders. But for the Lieutenant, a hero at the crossroads of history, it is time to do what is best for his country and for his men to undertake one last act of courage and sacrifice … the Final Blackout.

“As perfect a piece of science fiction as has ever been written.” — Robert A. Heinlein


The Case of The Friendly Corpse

The Case of The Friendly Corpse is the tale of Jules Riley, a bored student of ancient languages, who gets trapped in another dimension in the body of Achmed el Abd Mahmud. Achemd, a new ly graduated but reluctant sorcerer, with a doctorate degree in "inhumanities" from the University of Unholy Names, have sensed Jules's discontent, uses magic to switch bodies and obtain for himself a less dangerous existence.

Jules, on the other hand, is immediately transported to this other dimension where necromancy is the highest form of education. there he gets caught up in all the adventures and dangers-including the overzealous attentions of a mysterious sorceress-that a novice wizard might encounter in a dimension where sword and sorcery reign.

The Crossroads

Think you know what's going on in the world? Think again. Long before Rod Serling took us into The Twilight Zone, L. Ron Hubbard brought us to The Crossroads—a place where thought-provoking twists and turns are delivered with plenty of wit and wisdom. Farmer Eben Smith is fed up with big government telling him how to run his life and his business. They pay him to bury his crops while folks starve in the streets, and he's not going to take it anymore. He's declaring his independence, loading up his fruits and vegetables, and heading for the city to wheel and deal.…. But before he can trade in his turnips, Eben'll have to deal with something bigger a break in the space/time continuum. He's at The Crossroads, where reality is turned upside-down and inside out. And before it's over, he'll turn his turnips into liquor, and the liquor into guns and gold, as he plunges into strange new worlds … finding ways to wreak havoc in all of them. The Crossroads first appeared in the February 1941 issue of Unknown Fantasy Fiction. By then Hubbard's stature as a writer was well established. As author and critic Robert Silverberg puts he had become a "master of the art of narrative" Hubbard's editors urged him to apply his gift for succinct characterization, original plot, deft pacing and imaginative action to a genre that was new, and essentially foreign, to him science fiction and fantasy.

The Ghoul

After several hours of being knocked out cold, Phil finally awoke only to find himself in dark, dank old house tied to an old rusted chair. He has no knowledge of how he had managed to get himself in such a impromptu predicament. To add to the situation, he was tied and bound to the chair, finding it difficult to move. Why has Fate done this to Phil? How will he escape? But moest importantly, what tied him to the old rusted down chair?

The Tramp

Down-on-his-luck tramp Doughface Jack has been shot while trying to escape from a cop and a train brakeman causing him to fall from the train and crush his skull. A local doctor performs emergency surgery to save Doughface's life, patching up and stitching together the two halves of his brain and then sealing the cranium with a silver bowl.

While Doughface miraculously survives, he also acquires phenomenal mental powers: he can instantaneously heal or kill, or make the old young. Terrified of his newfound abilities, Doughface flees the university where he was being kept for examination, only to cross paths with a vengeful and beautiful woman bound to reach the ultimate seat of power using Jack to destroy anything that gets in her way!

To The Stars

Men were always needed for the long passage. And Captain Jocelyn knew that not even wealth and women were sufficient lure to fill his crew vacancies. For there was a price that those who entered the starship Hound would pay for their high adventure - one that no sane man would accept.

A prisoner in the timelessness of the swift passage to distant planet, Alan Corday lived for the day of his return to earth. He conspired to seize the ship. But the swashbuckling pirates of space had other plans - plans that were as unchangeable as the laws of nature themselves. And Corday learned the truth finally in the acrid fumes of a war of annihilation.

Typewriter in The Sky

Lauded by authors and critics alike as a work of trend-setting importance in modern speculative fiction, Typewriter in the Sky is an extravaganza of vivid action/adventure and dazzling fantasy.Pianist Mike de Wolf suddenly finds himself the main character in a resounding adventure story of danger and derring-do on the buccaneering Spanish Main, being written by his friend, Horace Hackett. Hackett devises a story plot that casts Mike in the unwilling role of Miguel de Lobo, Lord High Admiral of the Spanish Fleet. Bewildered, embattled on every side, Mike-as-Miguel finds himself engulfed in bloody battles, caught up in an impossible romantic intrigue with a stunning English heiress and helpless to change a destiny being dictated unrelentingly by the elusive sound of a "Typewriter in the Sky".

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