John Milton

John Milton

Easton Press John Milton books

Paradise Lost - 100 Greatest Books Ever Written - 1976
The Masque of Comus - The Collector's Library of Famous Editions - 1997
Works of John Milton - Harvard Classics

Franklin Library John Milton books

Poetry and Prose of John Milton - Great Books of the Western World - 1978
Paradise Lost - 100 Greatest Books of All Time - 1981
Paradise Lost - World's Best Loved Books - 1984
Paradise Lost - Oxford Library of The World's Greatest Books - 1984


John Milton biography

John Milton (1608-1674) was an English author and poet who wrote the literary classic Paradise Lost. He was born in London and attended St. Paul's School and Cambridge University. Following his education, John Milton aspired to join the Church of England as a Clergyman, however his interest in poetry and distaste with the Anglican Church caused him to change his aspirations. While living in his father's home in Horton, Buckingham shire (1632-1638), he studied the classics of Greek and Latin literature as well as the history of politics and the Church which contributed to the success of his poems. In 1638 John Milton traveled in Italy and France and returned to England in 1639 where he began to write a number of books on religion, politics, and social issues. In his books on politics John Milton showed his support for Parliament in the battle between Parliament and Royal supporters which resulted in his being appointed to the position of foreign secretary in 1649. At some point around 1652, John Milton lost total use of his vision, and was only able to write further books with the aid of his secretary. Following the death of his first wife, Mary Powell in 1652, he married again only to have his second wife die within 2 years. After the Royal Restoration in 1660, John Milton was removed from his duties as foreign secretary, and subjected to punishment for supporting the Parliamentarians. This punishment consisted of time in prison and a fine. Following his time in prison he remained out of the public circles and married his third and final wife in 1663.

John Milton is considered to be one of the greatest authors and poets of English Literature, and his books are famous for their strong overtones of religion, human nature, and idealism. John Milton used his in depth knowledge of Greek and Latin literature to give his poems depth, and classic literary verse.

John Milton's Paradise Lost is considered to be not only a classic of English Literature but a classic of World Literature. In Paradise Lost John Milton tells the dramatic tale of the fall of Adam and its consequence on the fate of man. Perhaps one of the most imaginative poems in World Literature, Paradise Lost has sparked intellectual debate and imagination for centuries. In Paradise Regained, John Milton tells the tale of man's salvation through Jesus Christ in a shorter but none the less rich epic poem. In Samson Agonistes John Milton draws from the tale of Samson in the Old Testament Bible to give Puritans courage in the face of sacrifice.

John Milton is today viewed as a master of poetry whose books are among the greatest in history. His accomplishments are more remarkable in light of his blindness during the 17Th century. Paradise Lost has been studied and read by untold millions, and will continue to be held in the highest regards in literary history.

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