John Dewey

Easton Press John Dewey books

The School and Society - Books That Changed The World - 1991


John Dewey biography

John Dewey, born on October 20, 1859, in Burlington, Vermont, was an influential American philosopher, psychologist, educational reformer, and social critic. His work profoundly impacted the fields of education, psychology, and philosophy, and he is considered one of the foremost figures in the development of pragmatic philosophy. Dewey received his education at the University of Vermont and Johns Hopkins University, where he was exposed to the experimental and empirical approach to knowledge that would shape his philosophical outlook. He began his academic career as a professor, teaching at the University of Michigan, the University of Chicago, and later at Columbia University.

At the heart of Dewey's philosophy was pragmatism, a belief that the value of any idea or theory is determined by its practical consequences and its ability to solve problems. He rejected abstract and dogmatic approaches to philosophy, emphasizing the importance of experience, experimentation, and the scientific method. Dewey's impact on education was profound. He advocated for a progressive, student-centered approach that emphasized learning by doing, critical thinking, and the integration of education with the broader social context. His seminal work, "Democracy and Education" (1916), outlined his educational philosophy and argued for the importance of education in fostering a democratic society.

What did educator John Dewey likely mean when he urged that children be taught to think creatively?

When John Dewey advocated for teaching children to think creatively, he emphasized a holistic and progressive approach to education that went beyond rote memorization and traditional methods. Dewey's ideas were deeply rooted in his pragmatic philosophy and his belief in the importance of experience and problem-solving in the learning process. Dewey argued for an educational approach that engaged students actively in the learning process. Rather than passively receiving information, students should participate in hands-on activities, experiments, and projects that stimulate their curiosity and critical thinking. He believed that education should focus on developing practical problem-solving skills. Teaching children to think creatively involves presenting them with real-world problems and encouraging them to explore various solutions, fostering adaptability and resourcefulness. He advocated for an integrated curriculum that connected different subject areas rather than treating them in isolation. This interdisciplinary approach allows students to see the interconnectedness of knowledge and encourages them to think creatively across various domains.

Dewey emphasized the importance of providing students with some degree of freedom and autonomy in their learning. Allowing students to explore their interests and pursue projects of personal significance fosters a sense of ownership over their education and encourages creative thinking. Creative thinking, according to Dewey, involves critical thinking skills. Students should be encouraged to question, analyze, and evaluate information rather than simply accepting it. This approach helps them develop a deeper understanding and the ability to think independently. Dewey was a proponent of experiential learning. He believed that students learn best when they actively engage with the material through firsthand experiences. Whether it's through experiments, field trips, or other hands-on activities, the emphasis is on learning by doing. He saw education as a means of preparing individuals for active participation in democratic society. Creative thinking, in this context, involves the ability to engage in civic discourse, understand multiple perspectives, and contribute constructively to societal progress.

In summary, when John Dewey urged that children be taught to think creatively, he envisioned an educational environment that nurtures curiosity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. By emphasizing active learning, interdisciplinary approaches, and real-world applications, Dewey sought to cultivate individuals who could adapt to change, contribute meaningfully to society, and approach challenges with innovative and creative solutions.

In addition to his contributions to education, Dewey engaged in extensive philosophical writings. His ideas on the continuity of experience, the primacy of the scientific method, and the interrelation of thought and action had a lasting influence on the development of American philosophy. Dewey was also a social reformer, actively participating in discussions about social and political issues of his time. He advocated for democracy, social justice, and the application of scientific methods to social problems. His involvement in progressive and reformist movements reflected his commitment to translating philosophical ideas into practical change.

John Dewey's influence extended beyond academia. He was a prolific writer, and his accessible style made his ideas accessible to a wide audience. His impact on education, philosophy, and social reform earned him recognition both in the United States and internationally. John Dewey passed away on June 1, 1952, but his ideas continue to shape educational practices and philosophical discussions. His legacy endures as a champion of pragmatism, experiential learning, and the belief that education is a vital force in shaping a democratic and just society.


The School and Society

Originally published in 1899, The School and Society began as a series of lectures given to parents, professionals, and others at the University Elementary School. In this short volume, Dewey discusses the way in which education is fundamentally tied to a thriving democracy. The problem, according to the author, with the old education model was that elementary schools did not encourage exploration and curiosity in their students. In a country that requires the thoughtful pursuit of ideas by the populace in order to arrive at reasonable governance, this repressive form of education encouraged rote following and closed minds. Anyone interested in philosophy, education, and the general betterment of society will find Dewey's thoughts and early childhood learning progressive and intriguing. American educator and philosopher John Dewey (1859-1952) helped found the American Association of University Professors. He served as professor of philosophy at Columbia University from 1904 to 1930 and authored numerous books, including Experience and Nature (1925), Experience and Education (1938), and Freedom and Culture (1939).


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