John Danforth

Easton Press John C. Danforth books

Resurrection - signed first edition - 1994
Faith and Politics - signed first edition - 2006


John Danforth biography

John Claggett Danforth, born on September 5, 1936, in St. Louis, Missouri, is an American attorney, politician, and ordained Episcopal priest who has played prominent roles in both the legal and political spheres of the United States. His life's journey reflects a diverse and impactful career that spans law, public service, and spiritual leadership. Danforth graduated from Princeton University in 1958 and later attended Yale Law School, where he earned his law degree in 1963. Following law school, he clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice William H. Brennan Jr., an experience that undoubtedly influenced his legal and ethical perspectives. In the realm of law, Danforth built a reputation as a skilled attorney. He served as the Missouri Attorney General from 1969 to 1976, demonstrating his commitment to justice and public service. His legal acumen and dedication to upholding the law earned him respect within legal circles and set the stage for his later political career.

Entering the political arena, Danforth successfully ran for the United States Senate as a Republican from Missouri in 1976. He served three terms from 1976 to 1995, during which he established himself as a moderate and thoughtful legislator. Danforth's legislative record includes work on issues such as civil rights, social justice, and fiscal responsibility. One of the defining moments in John Danforth's political career came in 1991 when he was appointed as the special counsel to investigate the events surrounding the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. His role in the investigation and subsequent report showcased his commitment to fairness and thoroughness in addressing sensitive issues.

Beyond his legal and political endeavors, Danforth is notable for his religious commitment. Ordained as an Episcopal priest in 1995, he seamlessly integrated his faith into his public life, becoming a unique voice at the intersection of religion and politics. In addition to his religious service, Danforth played a crucial role in international affairs. In 2004, he was appointed as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations by President George W. Bush. His diplomatic skills and dedication to conflict resolution were evident during his tenure. John Danforth's legacy is one of versatility and principled leadership, exemplified by his contributions to the law, politics, and religious life. Throughout his career, he consistently demonstrated a commitment to fairness, justice, and ethical conduct, leaving an indelible mark on the American landscape.


Resurrection - The Confirmation of Clarence Thomas

Senator "Jack" Danforth is one of the most respected men in the U.S. Senate. When Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court in 1991, Danforth gladly pledged himself to be Thomas's guide and sponsor through the customary rounds of informal interviews with key senators. A three-term senator from Missouri, Danforth believed that despite the political opposition, Thomas's hardwon rise from poverty, his integrity, and his personal record would win the Senate's confirmation. After days of arduous politicking and probing testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Danforth was sure he had the votes and that the Senate would confirm Thomas by a close but safe margin. Then, when the committee's deliberations were shattered by Anita Hill's explosive charges of sexual harassment, Thomas felt correctly that his enemies' goals were now not just to defeat him but to destroy him. Danforth's hopeful confidence turned to bitterness as he watched his fellow senators back off their earlier support of Thomas's nomination and their stated admiration of his character. In Resurrection, Danforth, an ordained minister, tells this story of inspiration and spiritual regeneration. It is a cautionary tale and an example of how one man and his loyal friends persevered when the world was against them and all seemed lost. But it is also the ultimate insider's own confession: Senator John C. Danforth's deeply personal revelation of how, in a good cause - that of winning a seat on the Court for his friend Clarence Thomas he himself came very close to losing his own soul, in his anger and rage at Thomas's enemies and his willingness to do whatever it took to get Thomas confirmed.

Faith and Politics - How the "Moral Values" Debate Divides America and How to Move Forward Together

As a former three-term Republican U.S. senator from Missouri and an ordained Episcopal priest, John C. Danforth has watched the changes in his party and the church with growing alarm. After penning two op-eds for The New York Times criticizing the right for its focus on wedge issues abortion, stem-cell research, gay marriage, the Schiavo case, the public display of religion that drive people apart, he speaks out again to call for a change.
“The Republican Party has been taken over by something that it’s not,” Danforth says. “People do not want a sectarian political party, including a lot of people who are traditional Republicans.” In Faith and Politics, Danforth provides suggestions for moving toward a more secular Republican party that inspires trust in the people of the United States. Based on years of hard- won political experience and a life of religious service, he calls for Christians to look to the Bible and Christian teachings for ways in which they can practice their faith day to day and turn the country’s focus to a common ground once more.

As a respected former senator, special envoy for peace in Sudan, priest, as an author, Senator Danforth is uniquely qualified to call for the change we so desperately need. He writes openly about his political life and ambition, humbly about his achievements, and above all with clarity and reason that both Republicans and Democrats hear all too little of.


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