Gryphon Editions Classics of Liberty

The following are books published by Gryphon Editions in the Classics of Liberty Library series. The Classics of Liberty Library includes classic books about freedom, liberty, politics, justice and American history. This series contains both full leather and quarter
bound volumes.

Note: Some titles may now be discontinued!

Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke - 1992
Speeches and writings of Abraham Lincoln - 1992
Two Treatises of Government by John Locke - 1992
On Liberty by John Stuart Mill - 1992
Areopagitica by John Milton - 1992
Common Sense and The Rights of Man (together in 1 volume) by Thomas Paine - 1992
The Framing of the Constitution of the United States by Max Farrand - 1992
Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville - 1992
The American Commonwealth by James Bryce - volume one 1993 - volume two 1997
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington - 1993
The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster With an Essay on Daniel Webster as a Master of English Style by Edwin P. Whipple - 1993
A Vindication of The Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft - 1993
The Debate on the Constitution : federalist and antifederalist speeches, articles, and letters during the struggle over ratification - 1993
Men and Books Famous in the Law by Frederick C. Hicks - 1994
Democracy by Thomas Jefferson - 1994
An Inquiry into The Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith - 1994
A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States by Joseph Story - 1994
Congressional Government by Woodrow Wilson - 1994
The English Constitution by Walter Bagehot - 1995
Scenes in The Life of Harriet Tubman by Sarah H. Bradford - 1995
A disquisition on government ; and A discourse on the Constitution and government of the United States by John C Calhoun - 1995
Essays, The First Series and The Second Series by Ralph Waldo Emerson - 1995
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - 1995
Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman and Rose D Friedman - 1995
Hume's Moral and Political Philosophy by David Hume - 1995
The Republic by Plato - 1995
St. Thomas Aquinas on Law and Justice - 1996
The Politics of Aristotle - 1996
Four Essays on Liberty by Sir Isaiah Berlin - 1996
The French Revolution : A History by Thomas Carlyle - 2 volumes - 1996
Democracy of The Constitution : and other addresses and essays by Henry Cabot Lodge - 1996
The Man versus The State by Herbert Spencer - 1996
Freedom Of Speech by Zechariah Chaffee - 1996
The Degradation of The Democratic Dogma by Henry Adams - 1997
Essays on Political Economy by Frederic Bastiat - 1997
Utopia with The Dialogue of Comfort by Sir Thomas More - 1997
Apologia Pro Vita Sua by John Henry Newman - 1997
An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony - 1997
Maxims of George Washington, Political, Social, Moral, and Religious by John Frederick Schroeder - 1997
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity by Sir James Stephen - 1997
The Servile State by Hilaire Belloc - 1998
The orations of Demosthenes : pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon by Thomas Leland Demosthenes - 1998
The spirit of liberty : papers and addresses of Learned Hand together with the Bill of Rights - 1998
Popular Government : Four Essays by Henry Sumner Maine - 1998
A critical examination of socialism by William Hurrell Mallock - 1998
Culture and Anarchy : an Essay in Political and Social Criticism by Matthew Arnold - 1999
Lectures introductory to the study of the law of the Constitution by Albert Venn Dicey - 1999
The Constitution of Liberty by Friedrich A von Hayek - 1999
The conservative mind : from Burke to Santayana by Russell Kirk - 1999
On Civil Liberty and Self-Government by Francis Lieber - 1999
The real Roosevelt, his forceful and fearless utterances on various subjects by Theodore Roosevelt - 1999
Letters on the Study and Use of History by St John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke 2000
Addresses and Orations of Rufus Choate - 2000
The Challenge to Liberty by Herbert Hoover - 2000
Concerning Justice by Lucillius A. Emery - 2001
History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770 by Frederic Kidder - 2001
An inquiry into the principles of the good society by Walter Lippmann - 2001
The logic of liberty : reflections and rejoinders by Michael Polanyi - 2001
Letters Concerning the English nation by Voltaire - 2001
The Fathers of the Constitution : A chronicle of the establishment of the Union by Max Farrand - 2002
The Constitution of England by Jean Louis de Lolme - 2002
Crisis in Freedom : The Allen and Sedition Acts by John Chester Miller - 2002
Democracy and Leadership by Irving Babbit - 2003
The Reconciliation of Government with Liberty by John William Burgess - 2003
The American Democrat, or Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America by James Fenimore Cooper - 2003
The Evolution of the Constitution of the United States by Sydney George Fisher - 2003
Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt - 2003
The High Court of Parliament and Its Supremacy: An Historical Essay on the Boundaries Between Legistration and Adjudication in England by Charles Howard McIlwain - 2003
A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger by James Alexander - 2004
Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review by John Hart Ely - 2004
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A von Hayek - 2004
Liberty and Tyranny by Francis W. Hirst - 2004
The American Revolution: A Constitutional Interpretation by Charles Howard McIlwain - 2004
On Compromise by John Morley - 2004
Congress, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court by Charles Warren - 2004
The Lost German Slave Girl: The Extraordinary True Story of Sally Miller and her Fight For Freedom In Old New Orleans by John Bailey - 2005
The American Republic : its constitution, tendencies, and destiny by Orestes A. Brownson - 2005
Crisis in Freedom by John C. Miller - 2005
Hue and Cry : the story of Henry and John Fielding and their bow street runners  by Patrick Pringle - 2005
The Evolution of Modern Liberty by George L. Scherger - 2005
The American Constitution As It Protects Private Rights by Frederic Jesup Stimson - 2005
A History of Freedom of Thought by J. B. Bury - 2006
The New Class : An Analysis of the Communist System by Milovan Djilas - 2006
The Paradoxes of Freedom by Sidney Hook - 2006
Daniel Webster by Henry Cabot Lodge - 2006
The Frontier in American History by Frederick Jackson Turner - 2006
Common Sense in Law by Paul Vinogradoff - 2006
Twilight of Authority by Robert Nisbet - 2007

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