Esther Forbes

Franklin Library Esther Forbes books

Paul Revere - Pulitzer Prize Classics - 1986


Esther Forbes biography

Esther Forbes was an American author and historian, born on June 28, 1891, in Westborough, Massachusetts. She became well-known for her contributions to literature, particularly for her historical fiction works for young readers. Forbes began her career as a writer and journalist, contributing to various publications such as the Atlantic Monthly and The Century Magazine. Her interest in history and storytelling led her to write several historical novels, but she is perhaps best remembered for her acclaimed work Johnny Tremain.

Published in 1943, Johnny Tremain is a novel set against the backdrop of the American Revolutionary War. The story follows the life of the protagonist, Johnny Tremain, a young apprentice silversmith in Boston, as he becomes involved in the events leading up to the American Revolution. The novel won the Newbery Medal, one of the most prestigious awards in children's literature, in 1944. Esther Forbes' meticulous research and ability to bring history to life through engaging narratives contributed to the success of Johnny Tremain. Her writing style and historical accuracy captivated readers and educators alike, making the book a staple in American literature for young readers.

Johnny Tremain published in 1943 is set in Boston during the years leading up to the American Revolutionary War. The novel focuses on the life of the protagonist, Johnny Tremain, a talented apprentice silversmith. Johnny Tremain is a skilled apprentice working for Mr. Lapham, a silversmith in Boston. Johnny is proud of his craft and enjoys a promising future until a tragic accident changes his life. While working on a project for John Hancock, Johnny burns his hand severely, rendering it useless. Devastated and unable to continue his work as a silversmith, Johnny finds himself unemployed. As Johnny seeks to rebuild his life, he becomes entangled in the events leading up to the American Revolution. He becomes a messenger for the Sons of Liberty and becomes friends with prominent figures of the time, including Paul Revere and John Hancock. Through his experiences, Johnny gains insight into the political and social tensions of the era and finds a renewed sense of purpose. Johnny Tremain is known for its vivid portrayal of historical events and characters, providing readers with a compelling look at the American Revolution from the perspective of a young protagonist. The novel received critical acclaim and won the Newbery Medal in 1944, recognizing its excellence in children's literature. Esther Forbes' meticulous research and engaging storytelling make Johnny Tremain a classic in historical fiction for young readers.

Beyond her literary achievements, Forbes also had a keen interest in history and served as a historian. Her dedication to preserving and sharing the stories of the past was evident not only in her novels but also in her broader contributions to historical understanding. Esther Forbes passed away on August 12, 1967, leaving behind a legacy as a talented writer and historian. Her works, especially "Johnny Tremain," continue to be celebrated for their ability to make history accessible and engaging for readers of all ages.


Paul Revere and the World He Lived In

Paul Revere, an amazingly versatile patriot and artisan, was one of the little men living in extraordinary times. Here is an intimate view of the American Revolution presented from the point of view of one man, a man who in many ways embodied the spirit of his age.

Paul Revere was more than a figure on horseback, more than a great silversmith, bell caster, powder maker & shrewd leader of Boston's artisans. He was the handyman of the Revolution. He helped to plant the tree of liberty, & lived to enjoy its fruits.

This vivid account of the life and times of Paul Revere was first published in 1942 to great acclaim and a Pulitzer Prize. An elegant storyteller and expert historian, Esther Forbes paints a memorable portrait of American colonial history and of this most legendary of revolutionary heroes "not merely one man riding one horse on a certain lonely night of long ago, but a symbol to which his countrymen can yet turn."


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