Edward Bulwer Lytton

Easton Press Edward Bulwer Lytton books

The Last Days of Pompeii - Library of Famous Editions - 1985


Author Edward Bulwer Lytton

Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron Lytton of Knebworth (1803-1873) was an English author, politician, and dramatist who was born in London England, and completed his education at Cambridge University. Edward Bulwer Lytton began writing at an early age, and completed his first book of poetry before attending Cambridge University. Following his graduation from Cambridge he attained much popularity among British social circles, as he described in his first notable book Pelham (1828). For ten years (1831-1842) Lytton was a part of the British Liberal Party as a member of Parliament. In 1852 he left the Liberal Party and joined the Conservative Party, and was again elected to Parliament. During his term, which ended with his elevation in 1866 to the peerage, he also served as Colonial Secretary during 1858 and 1859.

Edward Bulwer Lytton wrote many books which gained notable popularity during the middle and late 19Th century. His best books, which are primarily history novels, include The Last Days of Pompeii (1834; Rienzi (1835), a book that provided the theme of Richard Wagner's opera by the same name; Ernest Maltravers (1837); Alice (1838); Lucretia, or children of the night (1846); Harold, or The Last of the Saxon Kings (1848); The Caxtons (1849); and A Strange Story (1862). Edward Bulwer Lytton also wrote a number of plays which included the popular Richelieu (1839) and The Lady of Lyons (1838).

The book by Edward Bulwer Lytton which continues to stir controversy is The Coming Race (1871). While it was a fictional story, many believed it described a master race which used an occult power referred to as Vril. In a popular conspiracy theory it is believed that Adolf Hitler and many high ranking Nazi Party members were part of a secret Vril Society.

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