David Gergen

Easton Press David Gergen books

Eyewitness To Power - signed first edition - 2000


David Gergen biography

David Gergen, born on May 9, 1942, in Durham, North Carolina, is an American political commentator, author, and professor who has been a prominent figure in U.S. politics for several decades. Known for his insightful analysis and bipartisan approach, Gergen has served in various roles under multiple U.S. presidents. Gergen graduated from Yale University in 1963 and later earned a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1967. He began his career in journalism, working for publications such as U.S. News & World Report. However, his trajectory shifted toward politics when he joined the Nixon White House in 1971 as a speechwriter. Gergen served as director of speechwriting for President Richard Nixon and later as a special assistant to President Gerald Ford.

His experience spanned both sides of the political aisle, and he continued to play key roles in subsequent administrations. Gergen served as director of communications for President Ronald Reagan and as a senior advisor to President Bill Clinton, making him one of the few individuals who worked for both Republican and Democratic presidents. Gergen's reputation as a thoughtful and pragmatic political analyst grew over the years. Beyond his roles in the White House, he became a familiar face on television, providing commentary and analysis for various news outlets. His insightful contributions to political discourse, coupled with his ability to bridge partisan divides, made him a respected voice in American media.

In addition to his media work, Gergen has held academic positions, teaching at institutions such as Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He also co-authored the book Eyewitness to Power: The Essence of Leadership, Nixon to Clinton, offering reflections on his experiences working with multiple U.S. presidents. David Gergen's commitment to public service and his ability to navigate the complexities of American politics have made him a widely respected figure. His career reflects a dedication to bipartisanship, thoughtful analysis, and a commitment to public discourse, making him a valuable contributor to the understanding of U.S. political dynamics.


Eyewitness To Power - The Essence of Leadership Nixon to Clinton

Few Americans have observed the ups and downs of presidential leadership more closely over the past thirty years from Nixon to Clinton and Watergate to Whitewater than David Gergen. A White House adviser to four presidents, both Republican and Democrat, he offers a vivid, behind-the-scenes account of their struggles to exercise power and draws from them key lessons for leaders of the future. Taking us inside the administrations of Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton, Gergen reflects on everything from why Nixon was the best global strategist among recent presidents to how the Bill and Hillary Clinton seesaw rocked the White House during Clinton's tenure as president.
Gergen argues that, as the twenty-first century begins, our success as a country will depend heavily upon the success of a new generation in power. Drawing upon his many experiences in the White House, he offers seven vital elements for future leaders. What they must have, he says, are inner mastery; a central, compelling purpose rooted in moral values; a capacity to persuade; skills in working within the system; a fast start; a strong, effective team; and a passion that inspires others to keep the flame alive.

Fresh from the political wars, where he served as a White House adviser to Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton, a campaign aide to Bush, and a close-up reporter of Carter, David Gergen assesses the key leadership lessons they offer for coming presidents. None possessed sufficient qualities to achieve the greatness historians reserve for Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt. A great leader must have seven core personal character that inspires trust, a moral vision for the nation's future, the political skills of both a lion and a fox, a capacity to mobilize followers through the modern media, an ability to recover from defeat and face future crises, an ability to attract and listen to wise advisers, and a capacity to bequeath a workable legacy. Gergen has watched these chief executives deal with decision making, with conflicting advice, with their private lives, the task of defining and conveying their goals, and their success or failure at capturing the public's imagination. He nominates a team of all-stars from the past nine presidencies. From this smart and savvy book emerge lessons of leadership that stretch far beyond the White House to political and business suites everywhere.

From Nixon to Clinton, Watergate to Whitewater, few Americans have observed the ups and downs of presidential leadership more closely over the past thirty years than David Gergen. A White House adviser to four presidents, both Republican and Democrat, he offers a vivid, behind-the-scenes account of their struggles to exercise power and draws from them key lessons for leaders of the future.
Gergen begins Eyewitness to Power with his reminiscence of being the thirty-year-old chief of the White House speech writing team under Richard Nixon, a young man at the center of the Watergate storm. He analyzes what made Nixon strong and then brought him crashing

Gergen recounts how President Ford recruited him to help shore up his White House as special counsel. Here Gergen

Though Gergen had worked in two campaigns against him, Ronald Reagan called him back to the White House again, where he served as the Gipper's first director of communications. Here he

In 1993, Bill Clinton surprised Gergen and the political world when he recruited the veteran of Republican White Houses to join him as counselor after his early stumbles. Gergen

As the twenty-first century opens, Gergen argues, a new golden age may be dawning in America, but its realization will depend heavily upon the success of a new generation at the top. Drawing upon all his many experiences in the White House, he offers seven key lessons for leaders of the future. What they must have, he says, inner mastery; a central, compelling purpose rooted in moral values; a capacity to persuade; skills in working within the system; a fast start; a strong, effective team; and a passion that inspires others to keep the flame alive.
Eyewitness to Power is a down-to-earth, authoritative guide to leadership in the tradition of Richard Neustadt's Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents.

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