Bruce Catton


Easton Press Bruce Catton books

Gettysburg - the final fury - 1986
Reflections on the Civil War - 1987
Mr Lincoln's Army -1990
Glory Road - 1990
A Stillness At Appomattox: The Army of the Potomac - Library of Military History - 1990

Franklin Library Bruce Catton books

A Stillness at Appomattox - signed limited edition - 1977
The Bold and Magnificent Dream - limited first edition ( not signed ) - 1978
The Coming Fury - signed limited edition - 1980
A Stillness at Appomattox - Pulitzer prize classics - 1983

Bruce Catton biography

Bruce Catton, born on October 9, 1899, in Petoskey, Michigan, was an American historian and journalist renowned for his captivating narratives of the American Civil War. Catton's works, characterized by their engaging storytelling and deep insights into the people and events of the Civil War, played a significant role in shaping public perception of this pivotal period in American history. After graduating from Oberlin College in 1920, Catton embarked on a career in journalism. He worked for various newspapers, including the Cleveland News and the Boston American. Catton's interest in the Civil War was sparked during his time as the editor of American Heritage magazine, where he honed his skills as a historian and writer.

Catton's breakthrough came with the publication of his first book, Mr. Lincoln's Army (1951), which marked the beginning of his acclaimed trilogy on the Army of the Potomac. The trilogy, which also includes Glory Road (1952) and A Stillness at Appomattox (1953), earned him the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1954. These books not only provided a comprehensive and vivid account of the military campaigns but also delved into the human experience of war. His expertise in Civil War history and his ability to convey the complexities of the conflict with both clarity and emotion made Catton a preeminent figure in the field. His writing appealed to both scholars and general readers, fostering a renewed interest in the Civil War among the American public during the mid-20th century.

Grant and Lee by Bruce Catton

Bruce Catton's essay Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts is a thought-provoking piece that explores the differences between two prominent figures from the American Civil War: Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee. Published in 1956 as part of his book Terrible Swift Sword, Catton's essay provides a nuanced analysis of the personalities and leadership styles of these two generals. Catton begins by highlighting the distinctions in the backgrounds of Grant and Lee. Grant, born in Ohio in 1822, was the son of a tanner and attended the United States Military Academy at West Point. Lee, on the other hand, hailed from a distinguished Virginia family, with a lineage dating back to colonial times. He was a graduate of West Point as well and distinguished himself in the Mexican-American War. The essay delves into their contrasting military strategies during the Civil War. Catton characterizes Grant as a dogged and relentless fighter, emphasizing his commitment to total war and the destruction of the Confederate Army. Lee, in contrast, is portrayed as a master tactician, known for his defensive maneuvers and ability to inspire loyalty from his men. Catton explores the personal qualities of Grant and Lee, suggesting that Grant was more pragmatic and focused on achieving the ultimate goal of victory, while Lee was guided by a sense of honor and duty to defend his homeland, even when faced with overwhelming odds.

One of the central themes of Catton's essay is the idea that Grant and Lee represented not only different military strategies but also different aspects of American culture. Grant, according to Catton, embodied the emerging industrial and pragmatic spirit of the North, while Lee represented the traditional, aristocratic values of the South. Catton concludes his essay by reflecting on the impact of the war on the nation and the enduring legacy of Grant and Lee. Despite their differences, he suggests that both generals played crucial roles in shaping the course of American history. Grant and Lee is a concise and insightful exploration of two iconic figures in the Civil War, providing readers with a deeper understanding of their leadership styles and the broader cultural forces at play during this tumultuous period in American history.

In addition to his books on the Civil War, Catton wrote extensively on American history and the West. His book This Hallowed Ground (1956) remains a classic narrative of the Civil War, and his work on the American West, such as The Coming Fury (1961) and The Centennial History of the Civil War (1961), further solidified his reputation as a distinguished historian.

Bruce Catton's impact extended beyond his written works; he also became a popular lecturer and a commentator on historical documentaries. He received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to American history and literature. Bruce Catton passed away on August 28, 1978, leaving behind a rich legacy of scholarship and storytelling. His ability to make history accessible and compelling to a wide audience has ensured that his works remain influential and enduring classics in the field of Civil War history.

Mr Lincoln's Army - Army of the Potomac Book 1

Volume I of The Army Of The Potomac trilogy, this is Bruce Catton's superb evocation of the early years of the Civil War when the army was under the command of the dashing General George B. McClellan.

Glory Road - Army of the Potomac Book 2

The critical months between the autumn of 1862 and midsummer 1863 is the focus of Glory Road. During this time the outcome of the Civil War is determined, as the battles at Fredericksburg, Rappahannock and Chancellorsville set the state for Union victory as Gettysburg.

A Stillness at Appomattox - Army of the Potomac Book 3

America's foremost Civil War historian recounts the final year of the Civil War in his final volume of the Army of the Potomac Trilogy.

Bruce Catton takes the reader through the battles of the Wilderness, the Bloody Angle, Cold Harbot, the Crater, and on through the horrible months to one moment at Appomattox. Grant, Meade, Sheridan, and Lee vividly come to life in all their failings and triumphs.

When first published in 1953, Bruce Catton, our foremost Civil War historian was awarded both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for excellence in nonfiction. This final volume of The Army of the Potomac trilogy relates the final year of the Civil War.

Gettysburg - The Final Fury

A Pulitzer Prize-winning author and respected authority on the Civil War clarifies the causes of the battle of Gettysburg and brings alive the most famous battle ever fought on American soil.

The Bold and Magnificent Dream

The Cattons, popular-historian father & academic-historian son, offer "a combination of narrative & interpretive essay" on early America that seeks "not to break new ground but to impose our own thoughts & order upon conventional historical material." The book's building blocks are the European background of settlement, colonial growth, the revolution, the adoption of the Constitution, the emergence of political parties & the War of 1812. The authors are familiar with much of the pertinent & recent historical literature. Their facts are consistently accurate & their evaluation of the individual historical components of their story are sensible. But their broad interpretive overlay is little more than a rehash of the old patriotic, Whiggish account of the inexorable development of America as a land of democracy & material opportunity (except for blacks & Indians) & of Americans as an individualistic & hard-working people. Intrinsic to this genre is retrospective history, & the authors see in the early 18th-century colonial societies the seeds of everything from Lexington & Concord to the rise of industry. But, to their credit, the Cattons are willing to confront facts that do not strictly conform to the traditional outlines of the American dream story. They note, for example, that England practiced religious toleration before the colonies & that most indentured servants never achieved material success.

The Coming Fury - The Centennial History of the Civil War Series Book 1

A thrilling, page-turning piece of writing that describes the forces conspiring to tear apart the United States with the disintegrating political processes and rising tempers finally erupting at Bull Run.

In words that weave history into art, Bruce Catton has created a book about the coming of the Civil War that is at once a broad canvas and a revealing close-up. Different from anything he has written before, except in the sheer beauty of its narrative style, The Coming Fury is conceived as classic tragedy; as a series of ever-narrowing circles of choice with fewer and fewer men to make them, enclosing, finally, but two men faced with almost no choice at all.

Reflections on the Civil War

Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Bruce Catton was America’s greatest Civil War historian, and he made the events of that seminal conflict come alive for millions. In this, his final book, edited from many hours of tapes after Catton’s death, he goes right to the heart and soul of what brought this nation to the battlefield. He reflects not only on military history, but also on the actual experience of army life for the common soldier; 17 period drawings by soldier-artist John Geyser, a young private in the Union Army, enhance the insightful words. Catton plunges into the spirit of the time to uncover the motives and emotions that caused the flood of war.


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