Anthony Trollope

Easton Press Anthony Trollope books

Barchester Towers - The Collector's Library of Famous Editions - 1993

Franklin Library Anthony Trollope books

Tales of all Countries and Other Stories by Anthony Trollope - Collected Stories of the World's Greatest Writers - 1984
Barchester Towers - published in both imitation leather and quarter bound - 1982
Barchester Towers - World's Best Loved Books - 1983

Author Anthony Trollope

Anthony Trollope, a titan of Victorian literature, emerged from humble beginnings to leave an indelible mark on the literary landscape of his era. Born on April 24, 1815, in London, England, Trollope's early years were marked by financial hardship and familial upheaval. His father's struggles with financial mismanagement cast a shadow over the family, compelling young Anthony to seek solace and stability in the world of books. Despite lacking formal education, Trollope's insatiable appetite for knowledge and his innate storytelling prowess propelled him into the realm of literature. His early career saw him toiling as a civil servant in the British Post Office, a role that provided him with invaluable insights into human nature and bureaucratic intricacies, themes that would later permeate his novels.

Trollope's literary debut came with the publication of The Macdermots of Ballycloran in 1847, a modest success that laid the foundation for his subsequent literary endeavors. However, it was with the creation of the iconic character Anthony Trollope is perhaps best known for, the irrepressible clergyman Mr. Septimus Harding in The Warden (1855), that he cemented his place in the pantheon of Victorian novelists. Throughout his prolific career, Trollope penned a staggering array of novels, encompassing a diverse range of themes and genres. From the satirical wit of the Barsetshire Chronicles, which offered scathing critiques of Victorian society, to the sprawling canvases of the Palliser novels, which delved into the intricacies of British politics, Trollope's oeuvre reflects the rich tapestry of human experience in all its complexity. Central to Trollope's literary vision was his keen observation of human nature, rendered with a depth of insight and empathy that resonated with readers of his time and endures to this day. His characters, flawed yet achingly human, navigate the trials and tribulations of life with a poignancy that transcends the constraints of their Victorian milieu.

In addition to his prodigious output as a novelist, Trollope distinguished himself as a trailblazer in the realm of literary criticism and travel writing. His candid assessments of contemporary literature and incisive reflections on his travels abroad earned him widespread acclaim as a discerning arbiter of taste and culture.

Despite facing his share of literary detractors during his lifetime, Trollope's literary legacy has only grown in stature in the years since his passing on December 6, 1882. His novels continue to captivate readers with their timeless insights into the human condition, while his unflinching commitment to storytelling serves as an enduring testament to the power of literature to illuminate, entertain, and edify. Anthony Trollope's life and work stand as a testament to the transformative power of literature to transcend the boundaries of time and space, offering solace, enlightenment, and inspiration to generations of readers who have had the privilege of experiencing the world through his eyes.

Barchester Towers

Barchester Towers, the second novel in Anthony Trollope's iconic Barsetshire Chronicles, occupies a hallowed place in the annals of Victorian literature as a masterpiece of social satire and keen observation. Published in 1857, this literary gem transports readers to the fictional cathedral town of Barchester, where the machinations of ecclesiastical politics and societal mores intertwine to form a rich tapestry of human folly and foibles.

Set against the backdrop of the ecclesiastical hierarchy of rural England, Barchester Towers unfolds with all the charm and wit for which Trollope is celebrated. At its heart lies the power struggle for the coveted position of Bishop of Barchester, a contest that pits the conservative forces of tradition against the progressive winds of change. Central to the novel's narrative is the clash of personalities between the indomitable Mrs. Proudie, the formidable wife of the newly appointed bishop, and the affable Mr. Harding, the former warden whose gentle nature belies a steely resolve. Their rivalry sets the stage for a series of comedic and often poignant encounters that illuminate the intricacies of power and privilege in Victorian society. Amidst the tumult of ecclesiastical politics, Trollope weaves a rich tapestry of interconnected subplots that showcase the myriad facets of human nature. From the romantic entanglements of the lovelorn Eleanor Bold to the scheming machinations of the ambitious Mr. Slope, each character is rendered with a depth of insight and empathy that captures the essence of their innermost desires and motivations. But it is perhaps in the character of the hapless Mr. Stanhope, the dissolute cousin whose arrival disrupts the tranquility of Barchester, that Trollope's genius shines brightest. Through Mr. Stanhope's tragicomic exploits, Trollope offers a searing indictment of the moral decay and spiritual bankruptcy that lurk beneath the veneer of Victorian respectability.

Barchester Towers stands as a testament to Trollope's mastery of the novelistic form, with its intricate plotting, vibrant characterizations, and razor-sharp wit. With each page, Trollope invites readers into a world teeming with life and vitality, where the human comedy plays out against the backdrop of a rapidly changing society. Since its publication, Barchester Towers has captivated readers with its timeless insights into the human condition and its incisive commentary on the foibles of Victorian society. Its enduring popularity speaks to the universal appeal of Trollope's vision, which continues to resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds. As a cornerstone of the Victorian literary canon, Barchester Tower is an example of the enduring power of literature to illuminate, entertain, and edify. Through its pages, readers are transported to a bygone era where the struggles and triumphs of everyday life are rendered with all the vividness and vitality of lived experience.

Tales of all Countries and Other Stories

Tales of All Countries is a collection of short stories first published in 1861. The anthology showcases Trollope's remarkable ability to capture the diverse tapestry of human experience across different countries and cultures. From the bustling streets of London to the tranquil landscapes of rural England, Trollope's stories offer a panoramic view of society in all its complexity. Each tale within the collection serves as a microcosm of the human condition, exploring themes of love, ambition, betrayal, and redemption with a keen eye for detail and nuance. Whether delving into the intricacies of romantic relationships or exposing the hypocrisies of the social elite, Trollope's prose is marked by its wit, insight, and humanity.

One of the standout stories in the collection is The Two Generals, a poignant exploration of friendship and loyalty set against the backdrop of military life. Through the unlikely camaraderie between two soldiers of different ranks, Trollope delves into the timeless themes of honor, duty, and sacrifice.

In Mrs. Brumby, Trollope turns his attention to the domestic sphere, offering a satirical portrait of a meddling mother-in-law whose interference wreaks havoc on her daughter's marriage. With characteristic humor and wit, Trollope skewers the conventions of Victorian society while offering a sympathetic portrayal of his characters' inner struggles.

Other stories in the collection, such as Aaron Trow and The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne, explore themes of crime and punishment, class tensions, and the complexities of human relationships. Through each narrative, Trollope demonstrates his mastery of the short story form, crafting vivid characters and compelling plots that linger in the reader's mind long after the final page is turned.

Tales of All Countries and Other Stories stands as a testament to Anthony Trollope's enduring literary legacy, showcasing his talent for storytelling and his deep understanding of the human heart. With its richly drawn characters, incisive social commentary, and timeless themes, this collection continues to captivate readers and scholars alike, reaffirming Trollope's status as one of the preeminent writers of the Victorian era.

Anthony Trollope quotes

"A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules."
"There is no royal road to learning; no short cut to the acquirement of any art."
"Nobody holds a good opinion of a man who holds a low opinion of himself."
"Above all else, never think you're not good enough."
"The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade."
"Of all needs a book has, the chief need is to be readable."
"There is no happiness in love, except at the end of an English novel."
"Love is like any other luxury. You have no right to it unless you can afford it."
"The man who worships mere wealth is a snob."
"The sober devil can hide his cloven hoof; but when the devil drinks he loses his cunning and grows honest."

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