Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Franklin Library Anne Morrow Lindbergh books

War Within and Without - Limited First Edition Society - 1980


Anne Morrow Lindbergh biography

Anne Morrow Lindbergh, born on June 22, 1906, in Englewood, New Jersey, was an accomplished author, aviator, and the wife of the famous aviator Charles Lindbergh. She was the second child of Dwight Morrow, a successful businessman and diplomat, and Elizabeth Cutter Morrow, a poet and women's education advocate. Growing up in a privileged environment, Anne displayed a keen intellect and a passion for literature from an early age. She attended Smith College, where she excelled academically and developed a love for writing. It was during her time at Smith that she first met Charles Lindbergh, who had gained worldwide fame as the first person to complete a solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927.

Anne and Charles married in 1929, and she soon found herself thrust into the spotlight as the wife of one of the most famous men of the time. Despite this, Anne remained dedicated to her own pursuits, including writing. She published her first book, North to the Orient, in 1935, which chronicled her experiences traveling with Charles on a survey flight to Asia and the Pacific. Throughout their marriage, Anne and Charles embarked on numerous flying expeditions together, exploring distant lands and pushing the boundaries of aviation. Despite the glamour of their adventures, their relationship faced challenges, including the infamous kidnapping of their first child, Charles Jr., in 1932, which thrust them into a media frenzy and led to a trial that captivated the nation.

In addition to her writing, Anne Lindbergh was a devoted mother to her five children, finding solace and inspiration in the quiet moments spent with her family. Tragically, her life was marked by profound loss, including the deaths of her son Charles Jr. in the kidnapping and her husband Charles in 1974. Despite these hardships, Anne continued to write, producing a diverse body of work that encompassed poetry, essays, and memoirs. Her most famous work, Gift from the Sea, published in 1955, explored the complexities of womanhood, solitude, and self-discovery through the metaphor of shells found on the beach. Anne Morrow Lindbergh passed away on February 7, 2001, leaving behind a legacy of literary achievement and pioneering spirit. Her writings continue to resonate with readers around the world, offering timeless insights into the human experience and the beauty of life's journey.

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