Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards

Easton Press Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards books

A Thousand Miles Up The Nile - Library of Famous Editions - 1991


Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards biography

Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards, born on June 7, 1831, in London, England, was a multifaceted Victorian woman known for her achievements as an author, journalist, traveler, and Egyptologist. Her life and career spanned a period of great social and cultural change, and she left an indelible mark on various fields. Edwards was raised in an intellectual and artistic milieu, her father being a successful banker and her mother a published author. This upbringing fostered her love for literature and learning. Early on, Edwards displayed a passion for writing and contributed articles and stories to various publications.

In 1855, Edwards published her first novel, My Brother's Wife, signaling the beginning of her career as a successful author. She went on to write numerous novels, short stories, and travel narratives. Her works often explored themes of social justice, women's rights, and the impact of industrialization on society. Amelia Edwards is perhaps best known for her role as a pioneering travel writer and Egyptologist. In 1873, she embarked on a journey to Egypt, a trip that had a profound impact on her life. The experiences and observations from this expedition led to her writing A Thousand Miles Up the Nile (1877), a detailed and vivid travelogue that not only documented her journey but also contributed to the growing fascination with Egypt in Victorian society.

Edwards was a trailblazer in the field of Egyptology, and her passion for preserving Egypt's ancient monuments and artifacts led to her involvement in the founding of the Egypt Exploration Fund (now the Egypt Exploration Society) in 1882. The organization played a crucial role in archaeological research and preservation efforts in Egypt.

In addition to her literary and Egyptological pursuits, Edwards was a prominent figure in the London literary scene. She was involved in editorial work, contributing to various periodicals and even serving as the editor of the feminist publication Shaftesbury Magazine. Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards passed away on April 15, 1892, but her legacy lived on through her contributions to literature, travel writing, and Egyptology. Her pioneering spirit and dedication to cultural preservation have left an enduring impact, and her works continue to be studied and celebrated for their historical and literary significance.


A Thousand Miles up the Nile: A Journey Through Ancient Egypt and Its Timeless Wonders

Are you looking for a thrilling journey through Egypt without leaving your home? Look no further than "A Thousand Miles up the Nile" by Amelia B. Edwards.

This travelogue will transport you to ancient ruins, bustling cities, and the serene Nile River, all through the vivid and engaging writing of Edwards. As you read her words, you'll feel like you're traveling alongside her, experiencing the wonders of Egypt in all their glory.

But "A Thousand Miles up the Nile" isn't just a captivating travelogue; it's a valuable historical record of a time and place long gone. Edwards provides detailed descriptions of the people, places, and customs she encounters on her journey, giving you a window into a fascinating and unique culture.


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