Albert Einstein

Easton Press Albert Einstein books

Einstein, His Life and Times by Philipp Frank - The Library of Great Lives - 1988

The Meaning of Relativity; including the Relativistic Theory of the Non-Symmetric Field - 1994
Einstein: The Life and Writings of the Great Genius - 2004 - 4 volume set including the following books:
The Evolution of Physics
Ideas and Opinions
Einstein: The Life and Times - Ronald W. Clark
The Meaning of Relativity
Einstein: His Life and Universe - signed limited edition by Walter Isaacson - 2008

Franklin Library Albert Einstein books

The Meaning of Relativity: the 5th edition - Greatest Books of the Twentieth Century - 1981

Albert Einstein biography

Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire, was a revolutionary physicist and thinker whose work profoundly reshaped our understanding of the universe. His life is a testament to the power of curiosity, imagination, and intellect. Albert Einstein was the son of Hermann Einstein, an engineer, and Pauline Koch. His early years were marked by curiosity and an independent spirit. He attended the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, where he studied physics and mathematics. Einstein's rebellious nature clashed with the traditional educational methods, but he excelled in his studies, graduating in 1900.

After graduation, Einstein faced challenges in securing an academic position. He worked at the Swiss Patent Office while continuing to publish scientific papers. In 1905, his annus mirabilis, or miracle year, produced four groundbreaking papers. These included his theory of special relativity, the photoelectric effect, and the famous equation 
E = mc2, which revolutionized the understanding of energy and matter. Einstein obtained his Ph.D. in 1905 and went on to hold academic positions in Prague and Zurich. In 1915, he completed his general theory of relativity, offering a new perspective on gravity. This theory predicted the bending of light around massive objects, which was later confirmed through observations during a solar eclipse. The theory transformed our understanding of space, time, and gravitation.

Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. As political conditions in Germany deteriorated, Einstein, a vocal critic of fascism, left for the United States in 1933. He accepted a position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where he continued his scientific work. Despite his foundational work in quantum mechanics, Einstein became known for his skepticism about certain aspects of the theory. He famously stated, "God does not play dice with the universe," expressing his discomfort with the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. His debates with Niels Bohr and others marked a significant chapter in the development of quantum theory.

Einstein was not only a scientific luminary but also an advocate for peace, civil rights, and humanitarian causes. He spoke out against nuclear weapons, totalitarianism, and racial segregation. His activism extended to the global stage, making him a symbol of intellectual integrity and moral courage.

Albert Einstein continued to work on unified field theories and fundamental questions until his death on April 18, 1955. His legacy endures through his scientific contributions, which have shaped modern physics, and his advocacy for human rights and international cooperation. Einstein's work has had a profound and lasting impact, making him a symbol of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. His iconic equation, 
E = mc2, remains one of the most famous and enduring expressions of the relationship between energy and mass. Albert Einstein's life stands as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of the transformative power of ideas and the potential for individuals to change the course of history.

The Meaning of Relativity

In 1921, five years after the appearance of his comprehensive paper on general relativity and twelve years before he left Europe permanently to join the Institute for Advanced Study, Albert Einstein visited Princeton University, where he delivered the Stafford Little Lectures for that year. These four lectures constituted an overview of his then-controversial theory of relativity. Princeton University Press made the lectures available under the title The Meaning of Relativity, the first book by Einstein to be produced by an American publisher. As subsequent editions were brought out by the Press, Einstein included new material amplifying the theory. A revised version of the appendix Relativistic Theory of the Non-Symmetric Field, added to the posthumous edition of 1956, was Einstein's last scientific paper.

The Evolution of Physics - From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta

The layman does not often have the opportunity of reading a simple exposition of advanced scientific thought written by a man who did the actual creative thinking. In this book, which is the result of a happy collaboration between the author of the Theory of Relativity and one of his own co-workers in research, the story they have to tell of this evolutionary development is one of the most fascinating that the human mind can meet with the story of mankind's attempt to comprehend through inventive thought its own relationship to the external world. In simple, straightforward language, avoiding all the technical terms and mathematical formulae, the authors have traced with beautiful clarity the steps from the mechanical view of the universe invented by the classical physicists to the more satisfactory explanations evolved by modern science. Here is the story of man's conquest of his own ignorance. To read it is to participate in one of the greatest adventures of all time - the adventure of expanding the horizon of knowledge, the adventure of man's magnificent struggle to understand the laws governing the universe in which he lives.

Ideas and Opinions

A collection of insightful and thought provoking essays from one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century. The selections range from his earliest days as a theoretical physicist to his death in 1955; from such subjects as relativity, nuclear war or peace, and religion and science, to human rights, economics, and government.

Ideas and Opinions is the definitive collection of Einstein's writing, including scientific writings that are the foundation for modern physics and of our modern world, extracts from his speeches on subjects as diverse as atomic war, religion and human rights and letters that show the personal side of one of the world's greatest, and most public, intellectuals.
Einstein's writings re-defined mankind's ideas about the universe. His theory of relativity changed how we think of space and time while his proposal that energy and matter are interchangeable, summed up as E = mc2, became the most famous mathematical equation in history.
Ideas and Opinions collects Einstein's thoughts and beliefs on every subject and displays his remarkable ability to penetrate to the heart of a subject, an ability that is as apparent in his scientific writings as in his more personal writings. He had the rare gift to make complex problems seem simple, while writing entertainingly on every subject, revealing his personality as much as his thoughts. It is as close to Einstein's autobiography as we will get, and captures his witty, anarchic but thoughtful personality.

Einstein - The Life and Times

Albert Einstein was far more than the physicist who confidently claimed that space and time were not what they seemed to be. Middle age saw the man who described himself as "pas très Juif" blossoming out as a standard-bearer for Zionism. He passionately indulged in pacifism, and as passionately rejected it when Hitler began to show, unbelievably to most reasonable men, that he really meant what he said about the Jews and the master race. Throughout it all, Einstein stuck to the job at hand, as determined to squeeze the next fact out of Nature as a businessman intent on turning millions into billions.

Ronald W. Clark has drawn an extraordinarily moving portrait of a man who was one of the great tragic figures of our time. It is the picture of a man who while still young abandoned much of life with the passion of the convinced monastic, and who was thrust back into it by the unobliging pressures of history. And in science the greatest physicist of three centuries, or possibly of them all, found himself after middle age pushed by the advance of quantum mechanics into a backwater, "a genuine old museum-piece," as he himself wrote.

The life of Albert Einstein has been brought into brilliant focus by Ronald W. Clark's deeply significant and compassionate biography. Mr. Clark has drawn on a immense amount of new material. But he has never lost sight of the man who was one of the greatest contradictions of out times: the German who hated the Germans; the pacifist who changed his mind; the ambivalent Zionist who was asked to head the Israeli state; the physicist who believed in God.

Einstein - His Life And Times

Much has been written about Albert Einstein, technical and biographical, but very little remains as valuable as this unique hybrid of a book written by Einstein’s colleague and contemporary. Both rich in personal insights and grounded in a deep knowledge of twentieth-century science, Phillip Frank's biography anchors the reader with a lucid overview of physics and draws an intimate portrait of the Nobel Prize winner.

Einstein: His Life and Universe

Einstein is the great icon of our age: the kindly refugee from oppression whose wild halo of hair, twinkling eyes, engaging humanity and extraordinary brilliance made his face a symbol and his name a synonym for genius. He was a rebel and nonconformist from boyhood days. His character, creativity and imagination were related, and they drove both his life and his science. In this marvellously clear and accessible narrative, Walter Isaacson explains how his mind worked and the mysteries of the universe that he discovered.

Einstein was a rebel and nonconformist from boyhood days, and these character traits drove both his life and his science. In this narrative, Walter Isaacson explains how his mind worked and the mysteries of the universe that he discovered.

Einstein's success came from questioning conventional wisdom and marvelling at mysteries that struck others as mundane. This led him to embrace a worldview based on respect for free spirits and free individuals. All of which helped make Einstein into a rebel but with a reverence for the harmony of nature, one with just the right blend of imagination and wisdom to transform our understanding of the universe. This new biography, the first since all of Einstein's papers have become available, is the fullest picture yet of one of the key figures of the twentieth century.

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